Correlation of Adaptation Rate of Athletes and Intensity of Training Load within Mesocycle (Case Study of Powerlifting)



M.O. Aksenov
Buryat State University, Ulan-Ude
V.A. Damdintsurunov, associate professor, Ph.D.
V.S. P'yannikov
Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sport, Youth and Tourism (SCOLIPC), Moscow

Keywords: power, adaptation, intensity, training, mesocycle.

Introduction. In the theory of sport athletes' training load is usually measured using quantitative and qualitative scales. The quantitative one includes the amount of training work, or extensiveness. The qualitative scale of measurement of training load is generally estimated by the average weight or apparatus weight, which is intensity (R.A. Roman, 1986). In various sports the amount and quality of training load are measured in different units. In the classical theory and methodology of weightlifting sports the measures of amount of training load differ over the time from estimating of the amount of load of athletes in tons (in the 80s) to measuring the amount of work of weightlifters by the number of lifts (A.V. Chernyak, A.S. Medvedev, 1980).

The purpose of the research was to identify the relationship of the rate of adaptation of the body of powerlifters with intensity of training load.

Materials and methods. To achieve set goals in work we use new formulas and algorithms of measuring the training load performance by athletes. Carrying out the experiment and proof of growth of the power of efforts exhibited by athletes during exercise are measured based on relatively new units of measurement in sports science – Watts.

Movements’ calibration in exercises. To measure the power of training load in Watts it is necessary to know the work done by the athlete which, in turn, includes sport weight and height to which the apparatus was lifted during the training as well as execution speed. The following algorithm is necessary to identify the muscle power needed to perform the training load of a predetermined value:

Units of measure adopted in the SI system should be taken into consideration in the above formulas. We measured the amplitude of the exercises with the measuring tape. Weight of the apparatus was estimated by the number of kilograms lifted per one lift. The speed of movement of the apparatus was measured with a stopwatch per one set. Then the speed of one lift was calculated. The indicator of power exhibited by the muscles during exercise was calculated by Formula 1. For ease of calculation and automation of the work we have developed the formulas in EXCEL 2010. The software automatically displayed to us the necessary values by cycle period and in total, for meso- and macrocycle. The solution in question is very useful in the training practice of athletes. Muscle tension in the inferior mode was calculated by introducing into the formula the coefficient equal to 33.33% of the muscles power exhibited in the overcoming mode (V.L. Karpman, 1988).

Determination of the quantity and quality of training load. In the sports training practice course made is a reflection of the amount of work done. One should know the amplitude of the exercise to determine the amount of work done. To do this, movement amplitude of each athlete was measured with a measuring tape in every exercise done. The total amount of work was calculated as the sum of repetitions per exercise in meters.

To evaluate the intensity of the training load we measured the speed of lifting the barbell in one set. We used stopwatch to measure the number of seconds taken for repetitions per one set, then we calculated the number of seconds taken for one repetition. Knowing the amplitude of the movement in meters and the time of covering it, it is possible to calculate the speed of doing the exercise that we nominally divided into three intensity zones – little, medium and high.

Thus, by measuring the speed of one repetition in a set, using the formulas we calculated the power exhibited by the muscles and needed to perform the training set. The sum of the average power values in each set is the power of a training session of the athlete.

The total duration of the experiment was one macrocycle that, in turn, consisted of three mesocycles. Given that by the end of a macrocycle athletes have a certain level of fatigue, the volume of the first mesocycle was larger than that of the second, and the volume of the second one exceeded that of the third mesocycle. The intensity of the work was inversely proportional to the quantity of the work done; relatively large intensity was planned for the third mesocycle, slightly less was planned for the second one, and in the first – “introductory” – mesocycle the load intensity of training exercises was low.

If we compare the training cycles with calendar time, one macrocycle can be roughly equated to one calendar year, and one mesocycle – to about two-three months. In its turn, each of the mesocycles includes three phases: preparatory (pre-season) – a period of getting into competition form, competition (in-season) – a period of keeping competition form and transitional (recovery) – a period of temporary loss of competition form. Not more than 2-3 main exercises and 2-3 supporting and additional ones were planned for each training session.

The overall logic of forming preparatory and competition activity during the experiment was fully consistent with the principles of sports training generally accepted in the theory of sport (L.P. Matveev, V.N. Platonov, 2003). The experiment is based on the measurement of the speed of body systems adaptation to the desired intensity zone. The onset of the phase of sustainable adaptation was determined by us based on the following indicators:

  • Increase of the performance speed of an exercise;

  • Increase of the amount of work done in this intensity zone during one set;

  • Decrease of reaction of the systems of the athlete’s body in response to the work done.

Each training session started in the phase of supercompensation. We monitored the onset of this phase of the recovery of athletes using a bioimpedance meter Medas relative to a number of indicators, the main being the phase angle, the amount of muscle, fatty tissue and the active cell mass.

Results and discussion. As seen from the experiments, the measurement and evaluation of training load in powerlifting using watts contributed to estimating the level of special physical working capacity of athletes and the more informative management of the training process of athletes. Owing to the measurement and evaluation of training load using Watts, general physical and special training loads can be compared and contrasted. Watts also help compare and contrast the amounts of load of athletes of different age, gender and fitness level in different sports.

It was found that the increase of the training load of powerlifters of top degrees in the macrocycle is =133 Watt (t=3.62 at p<0.01). During the experiment a training technique was developed used to evaluate and measure training load in Watts. To estimate the load in Watts a computer program was also designed based on automated algorithms of processing of parameters of load volume and intensity and conversion of these units into Watts. During the experiment a negative inverse proportion was also found between the levels of general and special working capacity of powerlifters in a mesocycle with the correlation coefficient r=0.99; p<0.052.

As already mentioned, the speed of adaptation of athletes to training load was the main focus in our experiments, the measurement of training load in Watts enabled us to compare the levels of general and special working capacity of athletes. Duration of micro- and mesocycles was determined by us on the basis of adaptation of the athletes to the training loads. Adjustment to the extensive part of the load in these experiments was a sign to go to the next, higher level of intensity of training work.

Conclusions. Watts are relatively new units of measurement. In the practice of sports training using a scale of measurement of training load in Watts, especially in high-level athletes, is quite rare. Units developed in the 60s, such as kilogram-meters per minute and ton-meters per minute, to date have had no application in the practice of training of athletes.


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