Formation of Educational System of Creative Self-Development by Means of Physical Culture



Associate professor, Ph.D. A.A. Opletin
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm

Keywords: educational system, personality, creative self-development, physical culture.

Introduction. Analyzing organization of physical education in higher education institutions, as well as students’ attitude to it, we can note a decrease of interest in physical exercise in students, especially in conventional forms, insufficient consideration of the needs, motivation and values of students with regards to transformation of their own physical nature.

This negative trend has prompted us to create a system of self-development of students by means of physical culture. 

The purpose of the study was to design and scientifically substantiate the system of involvement of students in regular physical education classes, motor activity and to increase the functional capabilities of their body via the introduction into the educational process of students of an educational system aimed at students’ personality self-development.

Materials and methods. The educational system of personality self-development by means of physical culture stipulates the following: impact on the conscious and unconscious spheres of the psyche; students’ awareness of their physical and moral “identity” by means of self-diagnostics, self-analysis, self-determination, self-study, self-management and reflection of physical culture and sports activity during exploration and development of physical culture and sports ideals, values and traditions in the university environment; the use of conventional and alternative methods aimed at correcting psychophysical conditions of students, self-fulfillment, development of reflective thinking, individuality and self-identity, self-esteem manifestations, creation of personal self-concept, origin of new self-assessment; development of skills of mental health maintenance, self-massage, proper breathing; application of yoga elements, self-defense techniques, methods of physical development and health improvement in daily life; acquisition of additional knowledge in the field of self-development philosophy, biology, physiology, psychology, pedagogics, physical culture; theoretical and practical mastering of methods of self-defense, first aid, life safety in extreme situations. The system includes: a universal warm-up practice [5], an integrated systematic method of self-development with elements of yoga [31], a socio-pedagogical training [4], the Russian national system of self-defense [3], listening gymnastics, energy gymnastics, and information gymnastics [2]. The system helps the students to achieve a high level of awareness of the mechanism of their self-growth in the field of self-development and means of managing this mechanism; to study the basics of the dialectical philosophy of personality self-development, to learn to put them into practice; to study the Russian system of self-defense, to master unique self-defense techniques, both their technical and psychological aspects; to gain experience in self-improvement by means of creating an individual self-development technology not only in the classroom, during trainings, competitions, events and celebrations, but also in daily life; to gain experience of refereeing city, regional or national sports competitions.

The system is focused on the formation of the following personality traits: even temper; purposefulness; independence; self-developing proactive attitude; self-confidence and confidence in one’s own resources; attentiveness to the outside world; commitment to a healthy lifestyle, to physical perfection, beauty and harmony; enhancement of one’s intellectual, moral, physical and cultural levels; responsibility for one’s actions; willingness to impose rational self-restraint; tolerance; creative interpretation of one’s participation in the educational and training process aiming at personal self-development and self-improvement. During the implementation of the educational system of creative self-development by means of physical culture in the education/training process of a higher education institution a model of forming readiness of students for self-development in the physical culture and sports environment of a higher education institution was developed (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Model of operation in an experimental mode of the educational system of creative self-development by means of physical culture

Based on the model an experimental program of physical culture and technology of its implementation were developed. The objectives of the experimental program include enhancement of the function of educating training and restructuring of the organizational forms of physical education both in the classroom and during extracurricular activities of students. Experimental work was done to meet these challenges. A control group – CG (45 persons) was made of first-year students learning in accordance with the conventional program. An experimental group – EG – was made of students (46 persons) studying by the experimental program. The experiment was conducted during the academic year. At the end control tests were carried out.

Results. As seen from comparative analysis of the data, the attitude of the students in the EG towards physical culture has changed, their motivation for this kind of activity has increased in its self-development orientation. The percentage of students whose attitude to physical education classes was low decreased almost three times (from 34% to 12%). The number of students with relative level considerably increased (from 64% to 76%). An increase (from 2% to 8%) was recorded in those students who have a quite high level of attitude. Individual students demonstrated the highest level (4 %).

Conclusion. The introduction of the educational system and new innovative methods has optimized the process of physical education of students. The effectiveness of the experiment was seen primarily in the increased motivation for physical training and in the normalization of mental states in the large part of students. The sufficient level of personality physical development was marked, seen in the improved health (decreased incidence). There was noted an optimal development and strengthening of the respiratory system in students, increased vital body tone, gained relaxedness of motor skills, strengthened muscular system, joint and spine mobility, the students learnt how to protect and promote health using stretching, joint exercises and self-massage. A particular interest in healthy lifestyle was noted. The incidence among students significantly decreased and the attendance of training sessions improved. During the academic year, students of the EG had acute respiratory infections (ARVI, flu, otorhinolaryngologic diseases) less often rather than those from the CG. During the period of study the cases of colds registered amounted to 596 and 1007 in the EG and CG respectively. The average duration of a single case was 7.1 and 9.9 days in the EG and CG accordingly. The number of students who suffered from frequent and long-term acute respiratory diseases (3-4 times a year) in the EG was 29.1% less than in the CG. The pedagogical observations were as follows: improved individual character traits of the students involved in the EG, eliminated timidity, indecisiveness, shyness, passivity and uncertainty, improved discipline and acquired self-discipline and independence, increased interest in physical exercises and desire of students to engage in sports sections. As for the CG, there were not registered any significant changes in all parameters.


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