Conditions of Effective Use of Artistic Gymnastics of Men Aged 40-49 Years



V.V. Vavilov, postgraduate student
Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk

Keywords: promotion of health, physical fitness, functional status, technique of exercises.

Relevance. Modernization and computerization of modern operations has set forward new requirements for professional training due to the need of maintaining emotional stability in stressful situations; readiness to make independent decisions while guessing possible consequences; concentration, distribution and timely attention switching, specific endurance, agility, accuracy and speed of movements. Compliance with these requirements can only be achieved through targeted physical training ensuring development and improvement of these qualities.

Rapidly deteriorating environment, a significant contamination of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, and a decline in the amount of motor activity negatively affect health, thus making it relevant to look for ways of improving health of men of the II adulthood characterized by valuable life and professional experience and being the gold pool of the country. Society’s need for this category of workers, employees and operation managers determines the special importance of solving the issues of promoting their health, improvement of their image, boosting their self-esteem, level of working capacity and operational effectiveness; attractive image increasing their self-rating and commitment [2, 3].

The purpose of the present work was to provide the theoretical and methodological substantiation of the role and place of bodybuilding for health promotion and increase of the indices of physical working capacity of men aged 40-49 years.


1.  Identify the conditions that ensure increase of efficiency of bodybuilding for men in the second adulthood.

2.   Develop a technique of bodybuilding exercises with regards to activity motives of those involved, their psycho-emotional state – the leading conditions of increasing the effectiveness of training sessions and verifying its expediency by means of an educational experiment.

The research methods were analysis and synthesis of theoretical and methodological literature, educational experiment, testing and statistical data processing.

Results and discussion. Analysis of the literature on the issue of improving indices of health, physical fitness and functional state of men in the second adulthood indicates a lack of attention to this issue. As V.I. Belov notes (1999), most of the recommendations and regenerative activities for adult population are focused on the development of individual motor-coordination skills. However, solution of the issue of obtaining the image demanded by the society, the indices of health, physical fitness and functional state of able-bodied people is only possible with a complex impact on the body providing all-round, harmonious development [1, 3]. This necessitates finding and scientifically substantiating new tools and methods for facilitating the optimal functioning of physiological systems; development and maintenance of physical conditions of a person at an individually optimal level during his active intellectual and motor activity.

This issue is hard to solve due to the limitations of the time spent on physical exercise while aiming at fast achievement of positive result in terms of good health indices, high level of working capacity and slowing down of age-related changes.

One of the most appealing means of physical exercise for men aged 40-49 is bodybuilding that enhances the activity of skeletal muscles, creates an attractive phenotypic image, improves working capacity. The significance of bodybuilding is determined by the possibility of extensive application of aerobic muscle workloads of cyclic and acyclic nature providing reduced spending of neuromuscular energy of those engaged. In this regard it becomes especially important to identify pedagogical conditions for improving efficiency of bodybuilding classes. Analysis of theoretical and methodical literature and findings of our own studies suggest a significant role of bodybuilding motivation.

Motivation of health and fitness activities determines the intensity of the need for physical self-fulfillment, which determines the role and place of motives of using physical exercises in accordance with the social needs by objective assessment of the levels of physical fitness and functional state. The need to enhance one’s own prestige in the work team, career opportunities, and the desire to be successful actualizes the need to strengthen socially important motives and setting the system of future goals supported by personally meaningful incentive.

The actual use of the system of goals is determined by a number of genetic and morphological factors: the ratio of height and weight characteristics; structural features of the body, the level of development of the leading motor and coordination skills and another system of motives driven by the need to increase the level of physical fitness and improve health indicators, determines the commitment to an active lifestyle. The leading motive and goal of the physical culture and health-improving activity makes it possible to control motor activity via a feedback mechanism that promotes real time processing of incoming information about changes in the functional state of physiological systems, improvements in physical fitness and health.

In the structure of the motivational sphere the leading role is taken by stimulus as means of activating motor activities promoting implementation of the set goal. For example, an improvement of the ratio of height and weight parameters contributes to achievement of the most attractive image as evidenced by approval, team of co-workers, and is a powerful incentive for active use of athletic gymnastics means as well as for the realization of other, more important goals.

Motivational sphere is complex in the context of its structure, its main components are as follows: goal - for example, to be in perfect shape for one’s age; job promotion stimulus due to high production rates; conditions for strengthening the leading motives (creation of favorable comfortable conditions for training sessions; positive dynamics of physical fitness and functional state indicators, etc); factors affecting stability of motives (good adaptation of the body to muscular loads; attainability of goals set by trainer; use of instructional techniques that stimulate motor activity).

Another condition for increasing the efficiency of bodybuilding classes is ensuring a positive psycho-emotional state of those involved. Effective training load is based on the nature of the relationship between its content, structure and body reactions. Human adaptation to muscular work is the leading mechanism used to achieve the training effect [3, 5].

While adjusting to physical load of specific purposes, content and intensity an adequate response of the body is achieved, along with the feeling of “muscle joy” that ensures a comfortable psycho-emotional state and demand for more exercising. This ensures a stable state of physiological systems and their steady functioning. Qualitatively new parameters of the motor function are formed thanks to planning of specific targeted stimulation, volume, purposes and kind of the muscular load and training methods and techniques. 

The good psycho-emotional state is achieved when the functional state of the body corresponds to the volume and structure of the muscular load, natural functioning of physiological systems, set achievable goals; dynamics of physical fitness indicators and implementation of the personality-centered approach.

Satisfaction with bodybuilding sessions is a primary condition of good psycho-emotional state. The main task of the trainer is to gradually increase the level of satisfaction using a variety of bodybuilding techniques as the body adapts to the muscular load. 

The trainer needs to make them understand why they need to overcome the difficulties at the initial stage of the training process; be ready to develop moral and volitional qualities such as will power, perseverance, industriousness, etc. [2, 4].

Satisfaction with selected sports activities is of complex structure that is to be considered in its psycho-physiological, sociological, emotional and aesthetic contexts. The psycho-physiological aspect involves creating the training process in accordance with the demands, needs, capabilities and expectations of those involved, their age-related specifics, physical fitness level and functional state.

The sociological aspect ensures organization and carrying out of training sessions taking into account how the trainees are grouped in accordance with their social status, educational aspect, views, goals, positions, orientation to the level of team work.

The emotional and aesthetic aspect is intended to reveal the reaction of trainees to various bodybuilding techniques; cultivate their aesthetic attitude to physical exercises, the importance of understanding the extent of correspondence of their form taking into consideration all the details, distribution and redistribution of muscle tension; pleasure they get from each motor task.

The main factors influencing the formation of the satisfaction with bodybuilding sessions are as follows:

- trainer’s competency, the level of standards of communication with his trainees depending on their social status, age, training experience, physical fitness and functional state;

- relationships with the trainer (his management style, personal qualities, level of sports culture);

- taking into account business status of those involved, the degree of objective assessment of their personal qualities, psychological readiness for training sessions, motivation stability;

- effectiveness of managing the state of satisfaction (gradual increase of motor activity; gradual realization of needs, transformation of personality-centered motives into socially important ones, etc);

- objective assessment of bodybuilding as a kind of sports activity that meets the demands and needs of those involved; ensuring increase of physical fitness indicators and improvement of the functional state of the trainees;

- appealing training sessions (simplicity of motor tasks; their compliance with age, physical fitness level, functional parameters; variety of physical exercises, reasonable ratio of means for development of muscle strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, balance and other qualitative aspects of motor activity; the impact on all groups of muscles, alternating muscle tension and relaxation, optimal number of breathing, relaxation and posture exercises, forming a culture of movements). 

The significance of these conditions of effective use of bodybuilding for men aged 40-49 years was tested using an educational experiment that involved 44 people, distributed into two groups: control group (CG) of 20 people and experimental group (EG) of 24 people. Before the start of the educational experiment a complex health indicator was determined using the technique of G.L. Apanasenko, 2002, as well as physical fitness level using the following tests: 30 meters race (seconds), 100 meters race (seconds), 1,000 meters race (seconds), standing long jump (cm), push-ups (number of times), sit-ups (number of times per 30 seconds); leaning forward from a standing position (cm); holding the body in L hang on bar (seconds). 

Analysis of health and physical fitness indicators did not reveal any significant differences in trainees in both of the groups (р>0.05). In the CG training sessions were conducted in accordance with traditional technique using various multi-purpose bodybuilding techniques and fitness equipment where aerobic exercises were primary. In the EG our technique of maintaining health and physical fitness for this age group was applied based on the optimum combination of aerobic and anaerobic muscular loads.

Motor activity degree of those involved was also identified: number of sets of each exercise; individual repetition of exercises to improve muscle strength, flexibility, balance, posture, abdominal muscles, etc. The following criteria were used to estimate the motor activity:

5 points - independent exercising at every session (before the training starts) to improve posture, balance, breathing; after the training is over: additional workout to develop muscle strength (back, arms and legs);

4 points - independent exercising to improve the phenotype status; motor tasks for certain muscle groups;

3 points - occasional use of additional physical load to form posture and develop specific muscle groups;

2 points - performance of individual motor tasks to avoid being worse than others;

1 point - limiting the amount of motor load by tasks given by the trainer.

Processing of the data obtained revealed no significant differences in the degree of motor activity of the CG and EG (р>0.05). Training sessions in the CG were held in accordance with the conventional technique; in the EG conditions of increasing the efficiency of the training process for men of the II adulthood were used: motivational sphere management; creation of the positive psycho-emotional atmosphere; formation of the feeling of satisfaction with training sessions. 

After finishing the educational experiment the subjects were retested to identify the dynamics of physical fitness indicators using the same control exercises. The findings of the educational experiment revealed an increase in physical fitness level in both of the groups. However, the increase was more significant in the EG. Thus, in the CG in the 60 meters race with the original time being 8.4±0.66 seconds and 8.27±0.61 seconds by the end of the experiment the results improved by 2.39% and 3.27% (р>0.05) in the CG and EG, respectively. In the 100 meters race the increase was 2.03% and 5.37% (р>0.05) in the CG and EG, respectively (initial time 14.8±1.11 and 14.5±1.23 seconds). In the 1,000 meters race by the end of the experiment the results improved by 3.22% and 10.0% (р>0.05) in the CG and EG, respectively (initial time 4.35±0.42 and 4.50±0.38 minutes). Running is an important aerobic component of training sessions, but to improve results special technical skills is needed, especially sprint skills. Therefore, a positive tendency of results improvement was detected in the experiment. As for other tests, a significant advantage of the subjects in the EG was identified.

The motor activity indicators were also improved by the end of the experiment in both of the groups, the CG and EG, by 3.71% and 27.34% (р>0.05), respectively (the initial results being 3.04±0.26 and 2.97±0.22 points, respectively).

Conclusion. Thus, proceeding from the data obtained in the educational experiment, bodybuilding training sessions of men in the age of 40-49 years can be made more effective in case of investigating the motives for motor activity and managing the motivational sphere to detect latent capabilities and abilities of an individual; to ensure the positive psycho-emotional background of training sessions as an important condition for improvement of physical working capacity, formation of the feeling of satisfaction when using bodybuilding techniques for health promotion, all-round development and for enhancement of fitness level.


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