Predicting Individual’s Achievements in Sports Activity Based on Psychodiagnostics of Value Attitude to Sports Classes



N.S. Niyasova, associate professor, Ph.D.
Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports, Omsk

Keywords: prediction, sport, achievements, skilled athletes, psychodiagnostics, value-based attitude.

Introduction. The modern trend in the development of psychodiagnostics of the value-based attitude of an individual to sport and its application when predicting sports activity are associated with earlier scientific discoveries: the theory of transition of objective relations into subjective ones by transforming social needs into personal ones [4, 5, 6], the concept of formation of the motivational orientation on emotional experience based actions [2, 8].

The relevance of the research for sport psychology in theoretical terms is conditioned by the need of theoretical justification of the following: 1) the concept of psychological diagnostics of the value-based attitude to sports occupations and the possibility of using it to predict sports achievements of a person on the basis of methodological provisions of the theory of relationships of an individual of A.F. Lazurskiy, V.N. Myasishchev and B.F. Lomov; 2) the regular  order of establishing of relation between the individual and the social environment of sport, between an individual and sports activity, between sports activity and result of this activity, based on the progressive development of the mechanisms of satisfaction of needs, that explains the gradual process of transformation of the value-based attitude from contemplative type to active one and then to productive one.

It is practically relevant for physical education and sports training: 1) to study the process of satisfaction of needs, that will help predict the orientation, intensity and duration of the relationship established between an individual and sport. This, in turn, will make it possible to predict the motivational readiness of an athlete to motor activity, to an increase in sports achievements and to long-term involvement in sports; 2) to create a chart of personal perspective based on the mechanisms of satisfaction of needs, which will provide the short-, medium- and long-term prediction of personal sports achievements.

The purpose of the research was to provide the theoretical justification and experimental verification of the concept of psychodiagnostics of the value-based attitude of an individual to sports occupations.

Results and discussion. The theoretical base of A.F. Lazursky about the study of personality in its relationship to the environment applied to sports can be used to diagnose the established relationship between the individual and the social environment of sport, and based on that predict the natural motor endowments of a novice athlete by detecting his emotional response to the external influences of a chosen sport [5].

It is known that person's emotional response coincides with the phase of actualization of the needs. In this regard, it can be assumed that the actualization of needs is accomplished by establishing a relation between the individual and the objective reality. Therefore, while studying the process of actualization of athlete’s needs (according to objective and subjective indicators) it is possible to define the focus of his value-based attitude and predict the motivational readiness to motor activity.

Continuing the theoretical study, it is important to note that V.N. Myasishchev, the follower of A.F. Lazursky, "enchanced" the theory of relationships of an individual and suggested turning from the static characteristic of personality traits to the dynamic characteristic of relationships by studying the process of establishing of the relation between the personality and activity. It was stated that "a reaction to various life circumstances is due not only to their objective significance, but also to person's subjective attitude to them" [6, p. 148]. Since the relationships of an individual in the social environment are formed within particular activity, the relation between them is "being completed" on a more universal level - between a person and activity, and the latter determines the intensity with which the relation is being established (the intensity of the transformation).

In order to get the most accurate data on the goal sets of an individual, psychologists are trying to investigate the structure of active and contemplative types of attitude, as well as to explain the transition from one level to another considering the way of satisfaction of needs, and reveal the desires and impulses of a person to achieve the goals. This confirms the conceptual provisions of the theory of V.N. Myasishchev about work methods [1,6].

Therefore, using the theoretical heritage of V.N. Myasishchev about the dynamics of relationships and the role of work methods in the intensity with which the relation between a person and activity is established, we can study the relation between an individual and sports activity, and thus predict the athlete’s achievement motivation by studying the work method (or the method of satisfaction of needs).

Contemplative attitude is converted to an active attitude by choosing the method of satisfaction of needs. In this regard, the effectiveness of the "individual - activity" relation is defined by the individual choice of method of satisfaction of needs, seen in the form of emotional experience. Conversely, if the methods, using which some needs involve other (usually more universal) ones to be satisfied, characterizing the "rise" of needs, we can assume that this "rise" is accomplished by establishing a relation between the individual and the activity.

And as seen from the further study of the theory of personality orientation of B.F. Lomov, individual is not a "moment of activity and its result". In contrast, activity is the "moment" and the "result" of the individual [5]. B.F. Lomov believes, activity should be organized so that its implementation could reveal to each person the prospects of his development in the contemplative, activity and productive attitudes. Personal perspective causes the relation between an individual and activity to be risen to its top level - between the activity and the result of activity.

The theoretical study of B.F. Lomov is very important for sports educational practice. Understanding of the structure of productive attitude, its prerequisites, grounds and conditions under which it is formed, that is understanding of its systematic determination is a necessary condition for psychological diagnostics of the value-based attitude to sports occupations in a subject.

It is known that L.S. Vygotsky [3] introduced into psychology the concept of "zone of proximal development" while studying the development of children. He proved the importance of this zone in the formation and development of the child’s mind. However, the zone of development (not only proximal, but also future development) is essential not only for child's age, but also for all levels of person's attitudes, because it acts as a person's perspective. It can be assumed that with the development of ​​personality the range of this zone, the range of prospects, increases. In this case, when the activity does not reveal the prospects of a person in society, the development of person's attitude will be limited no matter how well this activity is carried out. Consequently, the prospects of an individual consolidate the relation to the activity and intensify the relationship between the activity and its result.

Subjective attitude during the transition to a new level of development is formed on the basis of what has been established already; here there takes place a synthesis of what the person already has with the things the person acquires at a new level of development. This synthesis is carried out according to the scheme of progressive development of the procedures of satisfaction of needs.

As for activity, its goal has two aspects: the first one - is perfect representation of the future result of activity, the other one is level of achievement (for example, level of sports skills) set by an individual. When the activity is completed, its goal (in the first aspect) is reached and the activity transforms into the property of its result. Depending on the level of achievement (the second aspect of the goal) and as a result of activity, the status of an individual in a sports team becomes either consolidated or weaker. If the change in a person’s status, resulted from the activity, is significant (due to big success or failure), it can change the time the established relation between the activity and its result is preserved for.

Goals of an individual can be focused on his/her own needs or related to the needs of the social environment of sport. It is important to note that the needs act as a tendency, the effect of which is obvious only under certain conditions and for a long time. The impact of the achievements of the sports community and opponent's competitive actions on the athlete's hierarchy of needs becomes clear under certain circumstances, through the intensification of sports activity. In this regard, athlete's personal perspective can serve as a result of sports activity and it can be studied based on the personal hierarchy of needs.

Establishment of the relation between activity and its result coincides with the final phase of the process of satisfaction of needs - the conformity between the needs and the task of achievement. Therefore, by analyzing the hierarchy of needs of an athlete, we can detect the relation between the activity and the result, and on its basis predict motivation of an individual to long-term involvement in chosen sport.

In the course of the theoretical research we revealed the following. When diagnosing the value-based attitude to sport, firstly, it is important to determine the orientation of the relation between an individual and sport to predict the correct choice of sports specialization and the level of formation of motivation to motor activity by examining the person's emotional response to external effects of the social environment of sport. Secondly, it is important to examine the intensity of "completion" of that relation at the level of relation between the personality and activity in order to predict the motivation to increase sports achievements by identifying the methods of satisfaction of needs. And, thirdly, we should investigate the duration of the established relation between activity and its result that will help predict the motivation for the long-term involvement in sports occupations in view of the analysis of the hierarchy of needs.

In general, while diagnosing orientation, intensity and duration of the attitude of an individual to sports occupations according to objective and subjective indicators of the degree of satisfaction of needs, it is possible to predict the transition of the attitude from contemplative to active type, and further - from active to productive type, that will help predict the trend of relation's individual structure construction, that in turn, will make it possible to predict sports achievements more accurately.

The concept of psychological diagnostics of the value-based attitude to sports occupations was created in order to predict individual's sports achievements. It is based on the progressive development of the mechanisms of satisfaction of needs which reflect the transformation of the established relation between the individual and sport and the transition from one level to another: 1) between the individual and the social environment of sport, 2) between the individual and sport activity, 3) between the individual's activity and the result of this activity. The individual structure of the value-based attitude to chosen sport is determined for each athlete through the study of the hierarchy of needs, method and degree of satisfaction (objective indicators) along with emotional response, emotional experience and emotional evaluation (subjective indicators). Thanks to the diagnostics of the dynamics of the value-based attitude to sport by analyzing the objective and subjective indicators of satisfaction of needs it is possible to predict the motivational readiness of an athlete to motor activity, to an increase in sports achievements and to long-term involvement in chosen sport, and on this basis, to create a chart of personal perspective.

The basic provisions of the concept of psychological diagnostics of the value-based attitude to sports occupations include the following:

1. Psychological diagnostics of the value-based attitude to sports occupations is a hierarchically organized system which help collect the information on the orientation, intensity and duration of the relation  between an individual and sport on the basis of objective and subjective indicators of satisfaction of needs, which provides the short-term (1-3 months), medium-term (3-12 months) and long-term (2-3 years) predictions of motivational readiness to motor activity, to an increase in sports achievements and to long-lasting involvement in sports.

2. The proposed approach to psychological diagnostics of the value-based attitude to sports occupations suggests to consider: 1) the actualization of professionally important needs of an athlete, that determines the orientation of the relation between the individual and sport; 2) the rise of needs, that helps predict the intensity of the relation  between the individual and sport; 3) the conformity between the needs and the task of achievement, that helps predict the duration of established relation.

3. The prognostic significance of the value-based attitude to sports occupations is defined by its typological conditionality, controlled variation of the intensity and duration of its formation and by the predictability of the factors which direct the success motivated activity of an individual. When diagnosing the value-based attitude to sport one should takes into account the progressive development of the mechanisms of satisfaction of needs, which provide the structuring of the value-based attitude that in turn serves as the starting point for the development of practical recommendations on the control over the process of formation of the value-based attitude to sport for each individual athlete.

4. The analysis of the formation of the value-based attitude of an individual to sport, that is the process of its structuring, is done by integrating the objective and subjective indicators of satisfaction of needs that helps anticipate the stages of "completion" and preservation of the value-based attitude. Furthermore, it is possible to predict the effectiveness of sports activity by examining the types of value-based attitude (contemplative, active and productive).

5. Using the method of ranking of 12 professionally important sports needs it is possible to determine the hierarchy of needs, the degree and the methods to satisfy them. These objective indicators can help identify the efficiency of the impact of the social environment on the conditions of formation of the value-based attitude to sports occupations. This efficiency is defined by the dynamics of the transition from the contemplative type of the value-based attitude to the active and further to the productive type. The dynamics of formation of the value-based attitude to sports occupations and its accordance with the age, experience and sports qualifications of an athlete makes it possible to predict the mental potential of a person, which includes the motivational readiness to motor activity, to enhancement of sports achievements and long-term sports activity.

6. The seven-membered scaling in the study of the subjective indicators of satisfaction of needs (emotional response, emotional experience and emotional evaluation) is used to predict the emotional involvement of an athlete in sports activities. It characterizes athlete's internal activity in the formation of the value-based attitude to sports occupations (the consumer, the carrier or the creator of sports values), in which it is possible to predict the orientation, intensity and duration of the relation between the individual and sport.

Conclusions. When predicting individual's achievements in sport psychological diagnosis is determined by taking into account the following conditions:

- professionally important needs are actualized in different directions and with varying degrees of intensity by detecting the relations of an individual with sport;

- after determination of the chosen sport and differentiation of sports specialization the needs "rise" and involve new (usually more universal) requirements by detecting the relations of an individual with activity;

- with an increase in sports skills and experience in sport the needs get focused on the task of achievement by establishing the relations between activity and its result;

- displayed professionally significant needs can condition the growth of sports achievements for a long period of time at the expense of the progressive development of the mechanisms of satisfaction of needs, but can not eliminate the psychological limitations of the motivational readiness of an athlete, sharpening the contradictions between athlete's natural abilities and his achievement motivation.


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