Professional Education in the Field of Physical Culture and Sport in Domestic and International Classifiers



M.Yu. Shchennikova, associate professor, Ph.D.
S.P. Evseev, professor, Dr.Hab.
National State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Health named after P.F. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg

Keywords: physical culture and sport, higher education, secondary professional education, post-secondary training, federal standards, educational guidelines, classification.

During the last 5 years the normative regulation of both the sphere of education and the one of physical culture and sport has been almost constantly changing and improved. Federal state standards and federal government requirements being introduced define the structure and content of vocational training, sports training, programmes for pre-professional studies in the field of physical culture and sport, setting the problem of system approach to the training system for the sphere of physical culture given the experience of pre-professional training and multi-level education.

Education in the field of physical culture and sport in the Russian Federation is possible using several learning patterns, presented in Figure 1. This scheme is related to the education levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED 2011) and to the levels of education in the Russian Federation.

The feature of physical culture and sports personnel training in Russia is that it is based on practicing of sports training programmes and other educational programmes in the field of physical culture and sport. The enrolment to studies by the programs of professional education in the field of physical culture and sport involves entrance examinations, where the entrant shows his level of sports skills and physical fitness for the chosen sport.

The purpose of the study was to analyze the historical development of the representation of the area of physical culture and sport in the domestic and international classifications in the field of education and science as the basis of the statutory regulation of the structure of the the vocational training sector.

Results and discussion. The consideration of the element of the educational system in the field of physical culture and sport such as federal government standards and federal government requirements includes normative documents, both in education and in the field of physical culture and sport, at the levels of general, secondary vocational and higher education. When we talk about the need for additional entrance examinations, we mean the continuity of programmes at all levels.

Figure 1. A typical recording of EMG of the muscles involved in shooting of a subject named A.D., aged 17.
Notes:   1 – radial flexor muscle of the right hand; 2 – ulnar extensor muscle of the right hand; 3 – triceps brachii muscle of the right arm; 4 – back of the right deltoid muscle; 5 – radial flexor muscle of the left hand; 6 – ulnar extensor muscle of the left hand; 7 -  triceps brachii muscle of the left arm; 8 – front part of the left deltoid muscle; 9 – upper bundles of the right trapezius muscle; 10 – upper bundles of the left trapezius muscle; 11 – lower bundles of the right trapezius muscle; 12 – lower bundles of the left trapezius muscle.
Markers 1 and 2 – the “expansion” phase, 2 and 3 – the “inching” phase, 3 and 4 – the phase of “finishing the shot”.

Within the general education for children in the Russian Federation, the additional educational programmes in the field of physical culture and sport and sports training programmes are being implemented. In accordance with the requirements of the federal government standards of sports training the age limits for secondary education of 15-16 years coincide with the training stage or with the stage of perfection of sport skills, the age of complete general education of 17 years - with the stage of perfection of sport skills. For most of the sports, gifted young athletes aged 15-16 years can be at the stage of elite sport skills.

The requirements for the degree of practicing of a chosen sport (minimum mastery of the technique) and for general and special physical training (the development of physical qualities) are defined for the programmes of sports training and pre-professional studies, which can be a landmark for the formation of the content of entrance examinations.

The personnel training in the field of physical culture and sports is currently based on educational programmes in the specialities of secondary vocational and higher education. The list of specialities and areas and, accordingly, the set of federal state educational standards are approved by the Ministry of Education of Russia.

The objectives of the classification of specialities and educational areas include the development of "an instrument suitable for assembling, compiling and presenting statistics of education both for individual countries and internationally" (ISCED 1997) and, accordingly, the monitoring of educational activities as well as the harmonization of the structure of personnel training with the needs of labor market, ensuring of comparability of educational programmes in international scope. The list of areas and specialities underlies the admission quotas distribution and formation of state assignment, and the allocation of the list of entrance tests, which determine the distribution of high school graduates by disciplines for the Unified State Exam (EGE). Federal state educational standards define the content of the processes of licensing and state accreditation, and the records in state diplomas in accordance with the list of areas and specialities, connecting thus education and the employer. Hence, Russian classifiers take into account the current situation, the traditions and the achievements of national vocational education and the International Standard Classification of Education.

The history and changes in classification of areas and specialities of vocational education reflect the history of the formation and development of education in Russia.

Considering the level of secondary vocational education in the field of physical culture and sport, we should note its national characteristics. In the 30-ies of the 20th century, the government of the country began to pay close attention to the issues of physical culture and sport. Under the Government of the USSR the State Committee for Physical Culture and Sports was organized; by the resolution of the CEC of the USSR dated 27.05.1934 the title "Honored Master of Sports" was introduced; the All-Union Athlete's Day became as important as, for that time only a few, other professional holidays; the issue of training of specialists with secondary education was resolved by creating the departments of physical culture in teachers' vocational schools,  which were renamed to teachers' training colleges, and in vocational schools of physical culture, where the graduates of Central and Leningrad Institutes of Physical Culture were sent to work. (G.B. Severukhin, 2002) The Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated 07.23.1930 "On the reorganization of universities, colleges and workers' courses" provided the introduction of the policy of "reorganization of existing universities, colleges and workers' courses via the convergence of theoretical and practical training, specialization of educational institutions in compliance with different industrial sectors and matching of the system of education with the country's economic zoning, economic and cultural development of national regions and the organization of industry, agriculture, trade, transport and so on".  This document delegated the control over the health and sports educational institutions as well as the medical faculties of the universities, which were transformed into institutions, to the People's Commissariats of Health of the Union republics. 

Figure 2.  Group average EMG amplitude of the muscles of the archers while carrying out technically important shot phases.
Notes:   1 – radial flexor muscle of the right hand; 2 – ulnar extensor muscle of the right hand; 3 – triceps brachii muscle of the right arm; 4 – back of the right deltoid muscle; 5 – radial flexor muscle of the left hand; 6 – ulnar extensor muscle of the left hand; 7 -  triceps brachii muscle of the left arm; 8 – front part of the left deltoid muscle; 9 – upper bundles of the right trapezius muscle; 10 – upper bundles of the left trapezius muscle; 11 – lower bundles of the right trapezius muscle; 12 – lower bundles of the left trapezius muscle.

According to B.A. Kuz’min, in 1975, training in specialized secondary schools was carried out in about 500 specialities (more specific specialities rather than in universities), which were divided into groups, and such division mainly corresponded to that in the universities. In accordance with the Order of the Russian Federation State Committee on Higher Education 21.07.1988, № 224 "On the list of specialities of specialized secondary schools of the USSR", the aggregative group "Education" included the speciality 0303 "Physical Culture" with the graduate qualification "Organizing teacher of physical education", the educational and methodological documentation for which was developed by the State Committee for Sports of the USSR.

The classification of specialities of higher education in the USSR was introduced by the Order of the Minister of Higher Education of the USSR dated 09.09.1954.

The Order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR dated 30.10.1964 № 339 "On the terms of training in higher educational institutions" defined the speciality 1906 "Physical Culture and Sport" in the group XIX "Public Health and Physical Culture" and the speciality 2114 "Physical Culture" in the group XXI "Specialities in Pedagogical Institutes and Universities of Culture".

"The list of specialities and specializations of higher educational institutions of the USSR", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR dated 05.09.1975 № 831 contains the same codes and names of specialities in the field of physical culture and sport. The group XIX "Public Health and Physical Culture" includes the speciality 1906 "Physical Culture and Sport" with the qualification "Physical Education Teacher and Sports Trainer". This specialty has no specializations. The speciality 2114 "Physical Culture" with the qualification "Physical Education Teacher" is included in the group XXI "Specialities in Pedagogical Institutes and Universities of Culture".

"The list of specialities of higher and secondary educational institutions of the USSR", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR dated 17.11.1987 № 790 in accordance with the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated 13.03.1987 N 325 "On the measures to radically improve the quality of training and specialists with higher education to be involved in the national economy " includes the speciality 03.03. "Physical Culture" and 03.04. "Basic Military Training and Physical Culture" in the group 03.00. "Labor, physical and aesthetic education and training". In this case, the specialities and qualifications of this list of specialities are set by the Ministry of Higher Education Institutions of the USSR at the suggestion of educational associations. Thus, in vocational education physical culture and sport were removed from the area of public health. In the budgetary system based on economic relations and the state structure of the Russian Federation, a separate section of the classification of expenditures of the budgets "Physical Culture and Sport" was introduced only in 2010, before that there had been a section "Public Health, Physical Culture and Sport".

Since January 01, 1980 in accordance with the Resolution of the State Committee for Standardization and Metrology of the USSR dated 25.12.1978 № 94 the All-Union Classifier of Specialities in Education was introduced. One of its tasks was the integration of higher and secondary vocational education in international educational structures. The harmonization with the international standard classification was supposed to be an important point. The International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) establishes the criteria for the harmonization of national educational systems on an international basis, providing more comparability of the education statistics. Russian classifiers were based on ISCED 1993, which comprised 8 levels of education; the tertiary education included 5th, 6th and 7th levels. ISCED 1997 allocates 7 levels of education; the tertiary education included 4th, 5th and 6th levels. ISCED 2011 allocates 10 levels of education, and parallel coding for the levels of education attainment and education programmes is available, presented in Table 1.

The 5th, 6th and 7th levels are related to tertiary education, which is "based on secondary education, providing learning in specialized fields of education. It aims at learning at a higher level of complexity and specialization. Tertiary education includes what is commonly understood as academic education but it is a superior phenomenon, since it also includes advanced vocational education".

Table 1. ISCED 2011 coding of levels



Early childhood education programmes


Lower than primary education


Primary education


Primary education


Lower secondary education


Lower secondary education


Upper secondary education


Upper secondary education


Post-secondary non-tertiary education


Post-secondary non-tertiary education


Short-cycle tertiary education


Short-cycle tertiary education


Bachelor’s programme or equivalent level


Bachelor’s programme or equivalent level


Master’s programme or equivalent level


Master’s programme or equivalent level


Doctoral programme or equivalent level


Doctoral programme or equivalent level


Not elsewhere classified


Not elsewhere classified


The fields of education were presented in ISCED 1978, ISCED 1993 and ISCED 1997, similar fields were combined into extended groups, where sport was included in the field of services. At the same time, according to ISCED 1993, training above the 5th level is not provided in the field of services. Sport was included into the field of services due to the structure of the International Standard Industrial Classification of All Economic Activities (ISIC), introduced in 1948. Currently, the 4th version - ISIC 4 (ISICv4) - is used, where the area of ​​sport is defined as "Sports activities and amusement and recreation activities" under the section "Public, social and personal services".

In 1978, the "Guidelines for international standardization of statistics, science and technology" were approved by UNESCO, which were supplemented by the "UNESCO Manual for Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities" published in 1984 (this document is constantly reviewed based on the experience of "Frascati Manual"). The recommendations of 1978 determine the conformity of the fields of science and the major fields of education ISCED, and the field of physical culture and sport is not related to any field of science. The Frascati Manual of 2002 and the Field of Science and Technology Classification of OECD (FOS 2007) distinguish the following fields: natural sciences, engineering and technical sciences, medical sciences and health sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, humanities. The field of sport and fitness is included in medical sciences and health sciences.

The process of harmonization of national classification in education with the international classification, which was stated as one of the tasks of OKSO 1993 (similar to the British Joint Academic Coding System), included several stages with the changes in the list of programmes in the field of physical culture and sport.

In accordance with the OKSO 1993 in secondary vocational education the group "Education" includes the speciality 0307 1 "Physical culture", which has a facet 51408 and corresponds to the 5th level of education (ISCED) "the third level and the first stage, on completion of which a document non-equivalent to the first university degree" of the field "Teacher training and education science" in the extended group "Education" is awarded. The humanitarian and social disciplines of higher education include the speciality 022300 3 "Physical Culture and Sport", the group "Humanitarian and Socio-economic Sciences" includes the speciality 521900 2 "Physical Culture". This specialty has a facet 68962, which corresponds to the 6th level of education ISCED "the third level and the first stage, on completion of which the first university degree or equivalent qualification" of the field of education 89 "Other Programmes" is awarded. The lists of specialities and areas of secondary and higher vocational education, in which the codes are harmonized with OK 009-93, were introduced in 1994.

The Order of the State Committee on Higher Education of the Russian Federation 05.03.1994 № 180 approved the "State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education. The Classification of the Areas and Specialities of Higher Professional Education", in which by the Order of the State Committee on Higher Education of the Russian Federation dated 24.07.1996 № 1309 the speciality 022500 " Physical Culture for Persons with Disabilities (Adaptive physical culture) " was included.

The National Classification of Education Related Specialities (OK 009-2003) preserved the list of extended groups of specialities and areas and introduced three levels of hierarchical identification, the first of which comprising the groups of specialities and areas. The extended group "Humanities" included the area 032100 62 "Physical Culture" and the specialities 032101 65 "Physical Culture and Sport", 032102 65 "Physical Culture for Persons with Disabilities (Adaptive Physical Culture)" and 032103 65 "Recreation and sports tourism". The group "Education and Pedagogics" included the area "Pedagogics", the specialities of vocational education 050720 51 and 050720 52 "Physical Culture", 050721 51 and 050721 52 "Adaptive Physical Culture" the specialty of higher education 050720 65 "Physical Culture".

As of 2012 the implementation of educational programmes of secondary vocational education in the process of advanced training in the field of physical culture and sport was carried out on the basis of general and secondary education and included the qualifications: teacher of physical education/ adaptive physical culture or educator of physical education/adaptive physical culture.

In the field of higher education in 2010 a shift to multi-level education took place in accordance with the federal state educational standards. The standards were based on the following positions of the normative documentation in the field of higher professional education: the Federal Law 22.08.1996 № 125-FZ "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education", the drafts of the standards developed by the Ministry of Education of Russia and approved on 01.09.2008; the recognition of qualifications in the European educational space in accordance with the provisions of the Bologna Declaration; the continuity of traditions of national education in physical culture and sport in accordance with the content of the standards of the first and second generations; the implementation of the competence-based approach (V.F. Kostyuchenko, E.F. Orekhov, M.Yu. Shchennikova, 2008).

In the "Lists of the areas of higher professional education", approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 17.09.2009 № 337, the lists of the areas of training in which a person can obtain the "Bachelor's" qualification (degree) and those in which it is possible to get the "Master's" qualification (degree) are separated. The extended group "Humanities" provided the "Bachelor" and "Master's" qualifications (degrees) in the areas 034300 "Physical Culture" and 034400 "Physical Culture for Persons with Disabilities (Adaptive Physical Culture)". By the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 10.03.2010 № 168 the area 034 600 62 "Recreation and sports tourism" was added to the list of the areas of higher professional education which provided the "Bachelor's" qualification (degree) and the area 034500 68 "Sport" was added to the list of the areas of higher professional education which provided the "Master's" qualification (degree). The admission to the specialities in the field of physical culture and sport was discontinued in 2011.

Thus, as of 2012, the implementation of the educational programmes of higher education in the field of physical culture and sport included two levels of education:

for "Bachelor's" degree - the areas 034 300 62 "Physical Culture", 034 400 62 "Physical Culture for Persons with Disabilities (Adaptive Physical Culture)" and 034600 62 "Recreation and sports tourism";

for Master's degree - the areas 034300 68 "Physical Culture", 034400 68 "Physical Culture for Persons with Disabilities (Adaptive Physical Culture)" and 034500 68 "Sport".

The programmes of vocational education and higher education in the field of physical culture and sport were included in different extended groups (specialities) that hampered the implementation of the continuity of vocational education programmes at various levels and the development of continuous educational guidelines for students. In this regard, the harmonization of the lists of areas and specialities of secondary and higher education is relevant.

Postgraduate training of teaching staff, carried out in accordance with the federal requirements for the structure of the basic professional educational programme of postgraduate education for postgraduate students with the nomenclature of scientific specialities. The Area 13 "Pedagogical sciences" includes the specialty 13.00.04 "Theory and Methodology of Physical Education, Sports Training and Health-improving Physical Culture" with the facet 71401 and corresponding to the 7th level of education ISCED 2011, "the third level and the second stage: Postgraduate programmes or equivalent qualifications" of the field 14 "Teacher training and education science" in the group "Education".

In 2013, after the Federal Law dated 29.12.2012 № 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" entered into force, the task of harmonization of the structure of vocational and higher education of the Russian Federation with the European and world educational space and international classifications of education became the basis for the new lists of educational areas in higher education approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 09.12.2013, № 1061 and for the lists of professions and specialities of secondary vocational education approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated 10.29.2013 № 1199. These lists, on the one hand, correspond to ISCED 2011 and FOS 2007, and on the other hand - reflect national traditions. The role of physical culture and sport as a powerful factor in the preservation and development of human potential and in cultivating of patriotism along with the task of ensuring the competitiveness of Russian sports in international competitions as well as the traditions of national school of coaching staff training defined the introduction of the extended group of areas (specialities) "Physical Culture and Sport" in the field of knowledge "Humanities". The structure of personnel training in the field of physical culture and sport is presented in Table 2. For the first time a separate extended group is formed and it is necessary to identify the approaches which specify the characteristics of professional activity of the graduates in order to meet the needs of the industry, the achievement of the intended results in terms of general professional competences and the continuity of training programmes at different levels.


The development of standardization of secondary vocational and higher education in the field of physical culture and sport, and later pre-professional and sports training took place in isolation, which indicates the lack of conditions to ensure the continuity and interrelation of educational programmes at various levels.

The preservation of the Soviet traditions of the value of physical culture and sport as an effective factor in the development and improvement of a person and in education and self-education, characteristic for national traditions, is incompatible with the copying of foreign classifiers which don't include this area.

The position of the field of physical culture and sport in the domestic classification of education corresponds to the development of physical culture as a branch of national economy: from being a part of health protection system to an individual code of the expenditures of budget classification and a separate group of the areas and specialities of vocational education.

The development of vocational education in the field of physical culture and sport on the basis of the system and synergetic approaches requires an integrated consideration of tasks related to the development of physical culture and sport and to the education system in the context of socio-economic development of the Russian Federation.

Table 2. The structure of personnel training in the field of physical culture and sport within the extended group of the areas and specialities “Physical Culture and Sport”

Levels of education

Secondary vocational education

Higher education –


Higher education –


Higher education –

Postgraduate course









Physical culture

Educator of physical culture and sport/ Teacher of physical education

Physical culture

Academic Bachelor

Physical culture


Physical culture and sport

Researcher. Educator- researcher

Adaptive physical culture

Educator of adaptive physical culture and sport / Teacher of adaptive physical culture

Physical education for persons with disabilities (Adaptive physical culture)

Academic Bachelor

Physical education for persons with disabilities (Adaptive physical culture)






Recreation and sports tourism

Academic Bachelor






  1. Kostyuchenko, V.F. Gosudarstvenny obrazovatel’ny standart v kontekste realizatsii sotsial’nogo potentsiala fizicheskoy kultury (State educational standard in the context of implementation of social potential of physical culture) / V.F. Kostyuchenko, E.F. Orekhov, M.Yu. Shchennikova // Uch. zapiski universiteta im. P.F. Lesgafta. 2008. № 11. – P. 40–45. (In Russian)
  2. Severukhin, G.B. Osnovnye vekhi v istorii podgotovki pedagogicheskikh kadrov po fizicheskoy kulture (Milestones in history of physical education teacher training) / G.B. Severukhin // Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. – 2002. – № 12. – P. 23–26. (In Russian)


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