Visual balance and difference in growth in a standard dance pair
Postgraduate student Khe Veimin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.F. Singina1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow
Objective of the study is to identify optimal features of the perception of visual balance when performing sports ballroom dance of a standard program.
Methods and structure of the study. In the scientific work, morphological measurements were carried out on 50 pairs of dancers (100 people) from sports and dance clubs in Moscow and Zhengzhou, China. The age of the study participants is 16-23 years.
Results and conclusions. Based on the study, it was established:
• to get the same visual weight as the partner, the partner increases the angle of her torso back;
• movements of the upper body in standard dance only according to visual balance, then the smaller height of the partner compared to the partner leads to dissonant visual effects,
• the increasing distance between the partner's upper body and the partner's in standard dance ultimately compensates for the difference in height.
Keywords: ballroom dance; dance couple, standard program, height difference, visual assessment of technique, visual balance.
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