Psychological and pedagogical training of future physical education teachers combining university studies with coaching work
G.V. Baturkina1
PhD, Associate Professor T.P. Budyakova1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.N. Mezinov1
1Bunin Yelets State University, Yelets
Objective of the study is to identify the nature and completeness of awareness of the need for psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills to carry out professional activities in the field of physical and sports training among students combining study with coaching or actively participating in competitions.
Methods and structure of the study. The survey participants included 40 students, divided into two groups. The first group is students working as coaches (20 people), the second group is students studying according to an individual plan due to frequent participation in sports competitions (20 people).
Results and conclusions. It was found that coaching experience and participation in competitions do not provide complete psychological and pedagogical preparation for professional activities of students in sports pedagogical areas if they miss classes at the university. Professional sports and coaching activities cannot replace theoretical and practical training directly at the university. At the same time, awareness of the lack of special psychological and pedagogical knowledge does not occur spontaneously. Most of all, psychological problems associated with emotional-volitional regulation and pedagogical problems of organizing the educational process are recognized.
Keywords: psychological and pedagogical training, coaching, sports activity, awareness of needs, emotional-volitional regulation.
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