Student tennis in Russia: results of the twentieth anniversary and prospects for further development


PhD, Professor T.S. Ivanova1
PhD, Associate Professor L.Yu. Ivanov1
1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of performances and identify prospects for the further development of student tennis in Russia.
Results and conclusions. Improving the quality and prestige of domestic student sports should be achieved through: improving the system of financing student sports; creating an effective regulatory framework; planning the system of reproduction and development of modern sports in Russia; effective implementation of information and propaganda support for target programs in the field of youth policy and sports, based on modern IT and PR technologies. Russian student tennis players are leaders in world student sports and have repeatedly won medals at major international competitions. However, the foundations of their success should be laid in the universities of our country and during regional and all-Russian competitions.

Keywords: student tennis, World Universiade, Russian Universiade, results and prospects for the development of student tennis in Russia.


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