Design of traditional russian folk games in physical education of schoolchildren


PhD, Associate Professor V.A. Groshev1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.V. Ponomarev1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk

Key words: folk games and competitions, physical education, schoolchildren, organizational and pedagogical model.

Introduction. The preservation, revival and development of folk physical culture and its traditions is an important educational and patriotic process for the younger generation, as the basis for self-preservation and self-development of the historical and cultural wealth of the country.
The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and develop programmatic content for the introduction of folk games and competitions into the physical education of schoolchildren.
Methodology and organization of the study. During the study, curriculum and methodological literature on physical education of schoolchildren was studied, conversations were held with specialists in physical education and sports, teachers, schoolchildren, parents, etc.
Research results and discussion. The program material for developing theoretical knowledge and practical skills about folk games and competitions for schoolchildren is presented in the table.
Conclusion. The presented program material for physical education of schoolchildren based on folk games and competitions includes theoretical and practical sections that consistently form in children the skills and culture of practicing traditional folk physical exercises.


  1. Markelov A.V. Folk competitive gaming traditions in the physical education of university students: theoretical and practical foundations: monograph. A.V. Markelov, V.V. Ponomarev. Krasnoyarsk: SibSTU, 2014. 152 p.