Olympic education of students through museum pedagogy
Postgraduate student V.P. Sadchenko1
PhD, Professor D.A. Belyukov1
1Velikiye Luki State Academy of Physical Education and Sports, Velikiye Luki
Objective of the study was to theoretically and experimentally justify the use of museum pedagogy in Olympic education.
Methods and structure of the study. In December 2023, preliminary online testing was conducted for 1st year students of the Velikoluksk Academy of Physical Culture and Sports, aimed at measuring the level of knowledge about the history of the Olympic movement. The students were divided into control and experimental groups. In order to increase Olympic education in the experimental group, the project «Museum - Territory of Olympic Knowledge» developed by the authors was implemented using the resources of the Museum of Sports and the Olympic Movement of the Pskov Region and was offered for use.
Results and conclusions. The educational project «Museum – Territory of Olympic Knowledge» consists of a set of museum events aimed at increasing the level of knowledge about the Olympic movement: an excursion, a quest, an essay competition, debates, an Olympic dictation, a crossword puzzle and a museum lesson. The educational project ends with a final test. It is expected that the level of knowledge about Olympism of the experimental group of students will increase significantly through the implementation of a set of activities using museum pedagogy and the resources of the Museum of Sports and the Olympic Movement of the Pskov Region.
Keywords: olympic education, museum, sports museum, educational project, students.
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