Formation of a system for selection and further support of sportsly gifted children, taken into account of continuity and consistency of sports training
Dr. Hab. O.A. Dveirina1
PhD K.V. Belyy1
M.M. Lalochkin1
A.S. Lalochkina1
1Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to development of proposals for the formation of a system of selection and further support of sports gifted children, taking into account the continuity and consistency of sports training.
Methods and structure of the study. The protocol of expert analytical work included: purpose, objectives, methods (theoretical analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature and documentary sources, a survey of regional executive authorities in the field of physical culture and sports, qualitative PESTEL and SWOT analysis), planned results, and also the scope of application of these results.
Results and conclusions. The technological feasibility of improving the selection system presupposes: the use of the achievements of modern functional diagnostic hardware and software systems; methodological support and practical application of model characteristics of young athletes’ preparedness in sports; introduction of scientifically based profiles of competitive exercises, providing for the possibility of differentiating control and transfer standards for retardants, mediants and accelerators; development of methodological recommendations on mechanisms and criteria for selecting gifted children in sports.
Keywords: sports selection, sports orientation, sports gifted children, stages of sports training, formation of a system of sports orientation and selection.
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