Development of physical qualities in first and second year university students who started regular training in the hand-hand combat section


A.V. Skriplev1
PhD N.V. Vorobyeva2
Dr. Med., Professor I.N. Medvedev3
Dr. Hab., Professor T.V. Skoblikova2
1Kursk State University, Kursk
2Southwest State University, Kursk
3Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: students, adolescence, hand-to-hand combat, physical activity, muscular efforts.

Introduction. Increased physical activity is considered an important condition for improving health in youth [2]. Different types of martial arts are effective in this regard [1]. Hand-to-hand combat is considered to be very popular among young people, capable of stimulating the body and developing the muscular system. At the same time, the effect of regular hand-to-hand combat on the physical capabilities of students at the beginning of their studies at the university has not been fully studied.
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effect of regular training in the hand–to-hand combat section on the physical parameters of first and second year students.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study included 24 first- and second-year university students of youth age (18-20 years old). A group of 12 people was formed from them, who began to regularly attend the hand-to-hand combat section twice a week. A control group consisting of 12 individuals who retained their physically inactive lifestyle was also assembled. Both groups were monitored for four months. Standard functional tests were used to assess the physical capabilities of the observed. The data were processed using the Student's criterion (t).
The results of the study and their discussion. At the beginning of the observation, all the observed speed and power capabilities were low. This was indicated by the results of the 30 m and 60 m distance running tests and the long jump test. When taken into the study, the level of endurance and strength characteristics of the surveyed turned out to be modest. After four months of hand-to-hand combat, students who increased their physical activity increased their speed and strength characteristics and increased their overall endurance. In the control group, all the monitored characteristics had no dynamics during the observation period.
Conclusions. Hand-to-hand combat classes develop endurance, coordination, speed and strength capabilities among students of the university's initial courses. Maintaining a physically inactive lifestyle keeps students at a low level of physical abilities, even if they regularly attend academic physical education classes.


  1. Dorontsev A.V., Zavalishina S.Y., Boldov A.S., Vorobyova N.V. The influence of regular hand-to-hand combat training on the functional capabilities of the cardiovascular system. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2023. No. 7. pp. 31-33.
  2. Zavalishina S.Yu., Makhov A.S. Functional optimization of a young organism by means of physical education. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2022.  No. 1. p. 58.