Designing individual educational routes for preparing master students for extreme life conditions


Dr. Hab., Professor V.A. Romanov1
Dr. Hab., Professor Yu.I. Bogatyreva1
PhD, Associate Professor L.V. Rudneva1
1Tula State Pedagogical University Lev Tolstoy, Tula

Keywords: individual educational route, preparation of undergraduates, extreme living conditions.

The purpose of the study is a theoretical justification and description of the main mechanisms for designing individual educational routes for preparing undergraduates in the field of "Physical Culture" to extreme living conditions.
Methodology and organization of the study. Based on the experience of the authors, during the training of students of the L.N. Tolstoy TSPU, options for individual educational routes are proposed for consideration as specially designed educational programs that provide undergraduates with subjectivity of choice in the implementation of pedagogical training, as their complex component of professional competence in the field of "Physical Culture", contributing to personal and professional growth.
The results of the study and their discussion. Intensive searches for the most effective forms and methods of educational activity characterize the state of higher education in Russia today, and the use of personality-oriented pedagogical conditions for students' learning and development will contribute to the maximum disclosure of their needs and abilities. For high-quality training of undergraduates in the field of Physical Culture to extreme living conditions, it is necessary to take maximum account of their individual characteristics in the formation of a set of skills and abilities for self-improvement (from self-knowledge to self-realization). The introduction of a system of individual educational routes for the preparation of future masters in the field of Physical Culture for extreme living conditions will make it possible to create such psychological and pedagogical conditions that will contribute to stimulating educational activities based on self-improvement during the mastery of the curriculum.
Conclusions. The system of individual educational routes for the preparation of undergraduates (the system of "road maps" or "route system") will allow to implement the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard when working with future masters in the field of "Physical Culture", while a personality-oriented approach in their professional training for extreme living conditions will take into account physical abilities as much as possible, determine the personal trajectory of development and education.


  1. Romanov V.A. Implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard when working with students with special educational needs using an individual educational route. Moderní vymoženosti vědy, Praha, 22-30 12. 2020. Volume 3. Praha: Publishing House "Education and Science", 2020. pp. 18-24.