Politicization of sport as a new social reality


Dr. Hab., Professor L.I. Lubysheva
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the vector of politicization of modern sports in the new social reality using the example of the confrontation between two models of sports mega-events.
Results and conclusions. Currently, in the international sports arena, in contrast to the Olympic Games, new mega-sports events are being designed, which include the World Friendship Games, which are gaining political weight. The main feature of this project is its non-politicized content. The World Friendship Games are intended to become the most important sporting event in recent years, and provide an opportunity to compete within a representative international sports forum with the strongest foreign athletes, as well as provide motivation and support to continue an active professional career. Thus, the World Friendship Games will become an alternative sports project to the Olympic Games, which will unite different countries on the terms of peaceful cooperation, fair play, and winning victories based on objective judging.

Keywords: politics, crisis, sports, mega-event, sanctions.


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