Increasing special physical performance of triathlonists for participation in sprint distance competitions


Dr. Biol., Professor Yu.S. Vanyushin1
PhD, Associate Professor R.R. Khairullin1
PhD, Associate Professor M.I. Rakhimov2
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Fazleeva2
1Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan
2Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Kazan

Objective of the study was to substantiate the effectiveness of using a methodology for increasing the special physical performance of highly qualified athletes to participate in competitions at the sprint distance of triathlon, based on the use of a model of a two-cycle system for training the strongest swimmers in the world.
Methods and structure of the study. Athletes involved in triathlon were divided into two groups: control and experimental (6 people each). All athletes qualified as Candidate Master of Sports and I sports category. Classes in the experimental group were conducted according to an enhanced method of preparation for the sprint distance, for which a model of a two-cycle system for training the strongest swimmers of Germany was used.
Results and conclusions. A method of special physical performance of highly qualified triathletes to participate in sprint competitions with an assessment of the development of the anaerobic threshold (AnMT) at the VO2 level was experimentally tested, which showed that this model of a two-cycle training system did not reveal significant differences between athletes of the control and experimental groups in terms of VO2 and AnMT.

Keywords: triathlon, gas analysis, treadmill, performance, athlete.


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