Morphofunctional criteria for fast training in taekwondo
Dr. Hab., Professor G.V. Rudenko1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.M. Simakov1
D.A. Vasiliev1
Dr. Hab., Professor M.G. Tkachuk2
1Saint-Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II, St. Petersburg
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to identify a set of morphofunctional indicators that determine the rapid trainability of taekwondo athletes.
Methods and structure of the study. 40 athletes specializing in taekwondo, aged 18-25 years, of medium weight categories, with sports qualifications Candidate Master of Sports (СMS)- Master of Sports (MS), were examined. A survey of athletes was conducted (in the form of a questionnaire). The morphological examination included anthropometric measurements, determination of the component composition of body weight and somatotype. The external respiration system was studied by spirometry, the strength of the muscles of the flexors of the hand and fingers of the leading hand – by dynamometry, and physical development - by the index method.
Results and conclusions. As a result of the analysis of questionnaires, as well as competition protocols, individual deadlines for taekwondoists to perform a certain level of sports qualification were established, which made it possible to divide them into two groups: fast-training and slow-training athletes. When comparing the morphofunctional parameters of taekwondo athletes with different levels of training, significant differences were found in the length of the lower limb, thigh and lower leg; in circumference dimensions of the chest; in the circumferences of the forearm and lower leg; in the thickness of the skin-fat folds under the shoulder blade, on the shoulder, forearm and lower leg; in the content of muscle and fat tissue; in mesomorphy; in the values of vital capacity, hand dynamometry, vital and strength indices. As a result of the study, the features of individual trainability of taekwondo players were established and a set of morphofunctional indicators characteristic of rapid training in taekwondo was identified.
Keywords: taekwondo, quickly trained athletes, slowly trained athletes, morphofunctional indicators.
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