Professionally oriented motor training of actors at university from the position of kinesiological approach


Dr. Hab., Professor N.A. Fomina1
PhD, Associate Professor G.P. Chernyavsky1
S.A. Aleshin1
Yu.V. Melnikova1

1Volgograd State Institute of Arts and Culture, Volgograd

Objective of the study was to develop a methodology for motor-coordination training of actors at a university from the standpoint of the kinesiological approach.
Methods and structure of the study. The basis for the design of the methodology was the results of a survey of students of the acting department, indicating an insufficient level of development of professionally significant qualities, as well as the current shortage of training hours for practical classes in bodily-motor disciplines and the lack of scientific substantiation of the process of professionally oriented motor training of actors during their studies at the university.
Results and conclusions. The presented experimental methodology is focused on the associated solution of professionally significant educational and health problems. The three-component model includes goal-setting, procedural-content and evaluative-corrective blocks. The selection of funds was carried out taking into account the impact on the physical and psycho-emotional state and their healing effect. The effectiveness of the implementation of the author's methodology was established during a pedagogical experiment and is due to a significant increase in indicators of coordination abilities, expressiveness, health level in terms of the functional capabilities of the body (according to G.L. Apanasenko), improvement in the psycho-emotional state (SAN) of university students - future drama theater actors.

Keywords: motor-coordination training of actors, kinesiological approach.


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