Physical fitness and typological manifestations of the nervous system properties of students with different motor activity


PhD, Associate Professor E.M. Revenko1
T.F. Zelova1

PhD, Associate Professor M.Kh. Spataeva1
1The Siberian State Automobile and Highway University (SibADI), Omsk

Objective of the study was to identify the characteristics of physical fitness and typological manifestations of the properties of the nervous system of students who have chosen different types of physical activity.
Methods and structure of the study. The scientific work, carried out from 2021 to 2022, involved 1st year students (male) of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "SibADI" (107 people). At the beginning of the academic year, for classes in the discipline “Elective courses in physical education and sports,” students were given the right to independently choose types of physical activity (volleyball, basketball, football, table tennis, powerlifting). The study was conducted in groups of students who chose table tennis (54 people) and powerlifting (53 people).
Results and discussion. The experiment established differences in the manifestations of motor abilities and typological properties of the nervous system in students who chose different types of motor activity (table tennis and powerlifting) as part of physical education classes. It was revealed that students who do not have sports experience, but prefer to engage in powerlifting, differ from their peers who chose table tennis in a higher level of strength abilities, but are inferior in the manifestation of speed. Significant differences in the typological features of the properties of the nervous system have also been established.

Keywords: physical education, type of motor activity, physical fitness, typological properties of the nervous system.


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