Formation of physical competence in skiers-racers 8-10 years old


PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Simonova1
PhD T.G. Kotova1
1University of Tyumen, Tyumen

Keywords: physical culture competence, ski racers.

Introduction. In the Strategy for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, the main indicator of the well-being of society and the state is the state of health of children. In this regard, the task of health promotion and practical application in specific situations in physical culture and sports activities becomes urgent.
The purpose of the study is to develop a program for the formation of physical culture competence among skiers studying in primary training groups.
Methodology and organization of the study. In his works, I.V. Manzheley identifies the following unified physical education competencies: health-adaptive; health-correctional; motor-conditioned; sports and recreational, which were adapted in working with athletes engaged in initial training groups [1, 2]. The study involved 39 ski racers 8-10 years old, studying in the initial training groups of the Tyumen region. As part of the study, the following components were considered to assess the level of formation of physical culture competence of young athletes: value-motivational (V.I. Tropnikova, I.S. Dobrovskoy); cognitive, which included testing on the theory and methodology of physical culture and skiing (assessment according to the methodology of V.P. Bespalko); technical and technological, which was carried out on the basis of based on expert pedagogical assessment.
To form the physical culture competence of ski racers, a program was proposed, the content of which included: goal setting; self-assessment; lecture-discussion; master classes on the use of restorative means; tasks of an organizational and activity type; laboratory workshops on working with snow; a method of mutual learning; role-playing games "Today I am the coach!"; individual work of the coach; objects of material support.
We formed the value-motivational component through: defining the goals of training activities, evaluating their implementation, planning and qualitative characteristics of our training activities for a certain period, reflection.
Cognitive – included the compilation of sets of exercises for a specific muscle group, the development of a set of home workouts for parents, the analysis of photo and video recordings of training fragments, knowledge about proper nutrition, the benefits of physical activity, the basics of personal hygiene and hardening.
The technical and technological component was carried out through: the use of various ski moves; determination of the temperature parameters of snow and sliding properties; testing of various ointments of holding under the same weather conditions; breathing exercises; elements of self-massage; the ability to perform and apply yoga asanas.
Conclusion. After the introduction of the proposed program into the training process of ski racers, we observed positive dynamics in all indicators in the experimental group. According to the cognitive component, the increase was: up to 48% – advanced and up to 52% – basic; value-motivational: up to 38% – advanced, up to 44% – basic and up to 18% threshold; technical and technological corresponded to: 40% – advanced, 46% – basic and 14% – threshold levels.
Thus, the program we have proposed is effective, since at the end of the study, the physical culture competence of ski racers in the initial training groups was formed, in the course of classes, those involved developed stable interests and inclinations, an understanding of the importance of knowledge, skills and practical experience, readiness for independent search and processing of information in a physical culture and sports environment.


  1. Manzheley I.V. The method of projects in the formation of physical culture competencies among bachelors. I.V. Manzheley. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2015. No. 12.pp. 16-18.
  2. Manzheley I.V. Environmental approach in the formation of physical culture competencies among students. I.V. Manzheley. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2016.No. 12.pp. 38-40.