Temperament of youth regularly participated in football and walking


D.L. Varfolomeev1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
Dr. Med., Professor I.N. Medvedev2
1Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics, Moscow
2Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: adolescence, temperament, sport, aggressiveness, plasticity, football, athletic walking.

Introduction. The success of sports activity is associated with the presence of a variety of physical and psychological characteristics of an athlete that ensure the achievement of high results [1]. One can think that temperament in combination with the peculiarities of physical development are important in obtaining athletic results. However, it is temperament that shapes the individuality of movements and their rationality [2], which is very important in football and walking.
The purpose of the study is to compare the temperament of young football players and young men engaged in sports walking.
Methodology and organization of the study. Groups of young men aged 17-20 years with at least two years of sports experience were observed. The first group consisted of 15 football players, the other included 16 people engaged in sports walking. The levels of anxiety, emotional stability, resistance to the development of frustration, the severity of aggressiveness, the phenomena of plasticity and rigidity in the nervous system, the ratio of extraversion and introversion were monitored in all young men. The data were subjected to standard statistical processing.
The results of the study and their discussion. The athletes observed during the "Temperament properties" and "Self-assessment of mental state" techniques had greater emotional stability. Both groups of athletes had comparable frustration resistance. The football players had a clear aggressiveness that prevailed over that of those involved in sports walking by 18.8%. The players had a higher extraversion (by 18.1%) with significant plasticity of nervous processes (higher by 17.7%).
Conclusion. The presence of aggressiveness, plasticity and extraversion in the psychological portrait of young athletes makes football classes preferable. The success of sports walking is possible at a lower level of these parameters.


  1. Tkacheva E.S. Functional features of the cardiorespiratory system in young football players. E.S. Tkacheva, G.S. Mal, S.Yu. Zavalishina, O.N. Makurina. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2022. No. 11.p. 42.
  2. Makhov A.S. Physiological features of young men who started sports walking. A.S. Makhov, S.Yu. Zavalishina. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2022. No. 8. p. 42.