Psychological characteristics of young men attending volleyball and gymnastics sections


E.V. Zhuravleva1
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor A.S. Makhov1
Dr. Biol., Professor S.Yu. Zavalishina2
1Moscow State University of Humanities and Economics, Moscow
2Russian State Social University, Moscow

Keywords: physical activity, psychology, aggressiveness, plasticity, frustration, physical activity, gymnastics, volleyball.

Introduction. At the very beginning of any sports activities, it is highly desirable to assess the psychological characteristics of a novice athlete's personality, which form a propensity for a certain type of sport [1]. They should be taken into account along with the physical abilities of a young athlete, since only their combination can ensure success in a certain sport [2].
The purpose of the study is to compare the psychological profile of young volleyball players and young gymnasts.
Methodology and organization of the study. The experiment involved healthy eighteen-year-old athletes who have been practicing for at least two years. One group included 16 volleyball players, the other group consisted of 17 people engaged in gymnastics. Psychological tests were conducted with further mathematical processing of the research results.
The results of the study. When applying the "Self-assessment of mental state" test, young men of both groups showed a similarly high resistance to general emotionality. This property provided both groups of those observed in training and competition conditions with the ability to adequately assess existing sports situations. The level of aggressiveness among those involved in the volleyball section turned out to be 22.9% higher, which is probably caused by the nature of their sports activities. They were also characterized by extraversion (17.8±0.16 points). The gymnasts turned out to be characterized by a clear immersion in themselves. The young volleyball players had plasticity of nervous activity (13.2±0.12 points). In gymnastics, there were fewer opportunities to vary their movements, and in this regard, some rigidity of nervous activity was found in these athletes.
Conclusion. Sports training increases psychological stability and reduces frustration at personally defined levels of aggressiveness, extraversion and plasticity of brain processes. Volleyball players show a slightly increased level of aggressiveness, obvious plasticity and extraversion. Gymnasts are characterized by a lower level of these psychological parameters.


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  2. Medvedev I.N. Features of the temperament of young men who regularly engage in football and gymnastics. I.N. Medvedev, A.S. Makhov. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2022. No. 6. p. 68.