Influence of regular classes in the general physical training section on the functional capabilities of the respiratory system of freshmen students


PhD N.V. Vorobyeva2
Dr.Biol., Professor S.Yu. Zavalishina1
E.V. Kichigina3
G.B. Ukolova1

1Southwest State University, Kursk
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Kursk Academy of State and Municipal Service, Kursk

Keywords: physical education, general physical training, lungs, external respiration, first-year students.

Introduction. Maintaining the functional optimum of the body can be ensured by the presence of regular physical activity [1]. For a young body, the state of its respiratory system is very important, the indicators of which can change during physical exertion. Their dynamics in students during general physical training is of interest [2].
The purpose of the study is to evaluate the functional capabilities of the respiratory system of first–year students engaged in the general physical training section.
Methodology and organization of the study. There were 15 first-year students of youth age (17-19 years old) who, after entering the university, began to train in the general physical training section. At the time of the examination, they had 6 months of training experience. The control group included 14 boys (17-19 years old) who were not involved in sports. The parameters of the respiratory system were evaluated spirometrically and the Student's criterion was calculated.
The results of the study and their discussion. The value of the vital capacity of the lungs in the control group turned out to be 4.17±0.52 liters, while its value in physical education students was 6.05±0.28 liters. Differences between comparable groups and in terms of the volume of forced vital capacity of the lungs were noted. In the control group, this indicator reached 3.69 ± 0.34 liters, and in physical education students it was 5.72 ± 0.51 liters. The volume of forced exhalation in its first half second and in its first second, the athletes had more control by 34.4% and 35.3%. The physically trained had a higher value of the average volumetric velocity in the range of 25-75% of the volume of the forced vital capacity of the lungs than in the control.
Conclusion. Training in the general physical training section develops the basic indicators of the respiratory system in first-year students. First-year students should be widely recommended general physical training classes in order to strengthen their body overall and increase the working capabilities of their bronchopulmonary system.


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