Effectiveness of cross-country skis with a modernized sliding surface in the sports training of skiers-racers


PhD, Associate Professor I.V. Starodubtseva1
S.S. Zhitnikova2

1University of Tyumen, Tyumen
2Kindergarten No. 158, Tyumen

Keywords: preschoolers, children 5-7 years old, physical culture and sports interests.

Introduction. Currently, the task of introducing children to regular physical activity remains urgent and determining the most promising types of physical culture and sports activities for preschool children in this regard [1, 2].
The purpose of the study is to identify and compare the physical culture and sports interests of preschool children and their parents.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study took place in the period from 2017 to 2023 on the basis of kindergartens in Tyumen. The main method of obtaining information is a survey of parents with children aged 57. The survey was conducted three times, the total number of respondents was 837 people. In 2017 – 178 people, in 2021 and 2023 – 427 and 232 people, respectively. Parents were asked to answer questions related to their physical education and sports interests and the interests of their children: are classes important for the child's development; which sections the child attends; what kind of sports the child wants to do; what kind of sport would parents like to send their child to?
The results of the study and their discussion. Consideration of the physical culture and sports interests of children and their parents showed that despite the significant growth of modern sports available to preschoolers, the priorities of boys and girls remain unchanged.
In particular, girls are primarily interested in sports ballroom dancing (37.7% of respondents say this), as well as various types of gymnastics (32.9% of respondents indicate this). The interests of parents in relation to these sports, as potential activities of their children, differ slightly: 37.2% and 32.7%, respectively. Swimming consistently occupies the third place in the rating of girls' interests. 8.6% of preschoolers want to do it. Parents are much more interested in this sport than children. It is noted by 15.4% of parents. To a lesser extent, but girls are also interested in various types of martial arts (primarily karate, taekwondo and wushu) – 7.3%. Next are athletics (2.6%) and figure skating (1.8%). Parents also do not often mention these sports: martial arts (3.7%), figure skating (3.4%), athletics (2.9%).
The sports interests of boys are predictably different from those of girls and are more diverse. The top three priority sports include: football (37.1% of boys and 24.2% of their parents are interested in it), various types of martial arts (34.3% and 31.6%, respectively), swimming (16.5% and 24%, respectively). Boys are less interested in hockey (5.5%), gymnastics (4.4%), dancing (4.4%), athletics (3.3%), basketball (1.5%). Parents' preferences look similar: hockey (6.2%), gymnastics (5.9%), dancing (3.3%), athletics (3.3%), skiing and biathlon (2.4%).
Conclusions. The vast majority of parents (99.64%) recognize the importance of regular physical education and sports for the health and development of preschoolers. About 70% of 57-year-old children attending preschool are involved in additional physical education and sports activities. In the ranking of physical education and sports interests of boys, football and martial arts are predominant, and girls – dancing and gymnastics. Swimming takes the third place in the list of boys' interests for both boys and girls.
The prospects for further research are related to the development of methodological materials that allow to form physical culture and sports motivation and expand the ideas of preschoolers and their parents about modern sports available to children of this age.


  1. Manzheley I.V. Environmental approach in the organization of physical culture and sports work with the population. I.V. Manzheley, S.V. Ivanova. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2014. No. 12. pp. 61-65.
  2. Starodubtseva I.V. Features of the development of preschoolers 6-7 years old engaged in various types of physical culture and sports activities. I.V. Starodubtseva. Teoriya i praktika fizicheskoy kultury. 2016. No.12. pp. 27-29.