Nomad game “Togyzkumalak” – identity of a national sport


Dr. Philology, PhD S.N. Ilchenko1
Dr. Pol. I.N. Blokhin1
Dr. Pol. S.V. Oleynikov2
Applicant S. Pasichnik1
1Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
2Pridnestrovian State University, Republic of Moldova

Objective of the study was to identify the features of the national game togyzkumalak and its impact on the body of the player.
Methods and structure of the study. As an integral approach, the scientific work uses the methodology of system analysis, which allows us to identify the relationship between the rules of the game and the cognitive work of the player’s brain. In describing the game procedure, the method of structural analysis is used, in describing the rules - the method of swarm analysis of player behavior, in determining the goals and objectives of the game in the context of national culture - functional analysis.
Results and conclusions. The game “togyzkumalak” improves the cognitive functioning of the brain and the development of logical thinking. Therefore, both from a patriotic (development of the national sport of Kazakhstan) and from a sports point of view, the game is the national heritage of the Kazakhs. In the system for implementing the concept of development of physical education and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan until 2025, the main attention is paid to national sports. Taking into account migration processes, togyzkumalak can develop on the territory of Russia.

Keywords: togyzkumalak, cognitive abilities, athlete, national sport.


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