Digital technologies and gamification in the organization of independent physical activity students


Postgraduate student C.V. Taryma3
PhD, Associate Professor A.Yu. Osipov1, 2, 4
Dr. Hab., Professor M.D. Kudryavtsev1, 4, 5
PhD, Associate Professor S.A. Doroshenko1
K.G. Petukhov1
1Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
2Prof. V.F. Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk
3Tuvan State University, Kyzyl
4Siberian Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnoyarsk
5Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology, Krasnoyarsk

Objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of independent physical exercises, conducted using the potential of digital technologies and gamification, on the level of functional fitness and body mass index of students.
Methods and structure of the study. The experiment involved young men (n=76), 2nd year students of the Siberian Federal University, who practiced independent exercise with physical exercises for six months (two classes per week). Group A (n=38) performed a set of general physical training (GPT) exercises, group B (n=38) performed tasks related to motor activity in a game form, using the potential of the popular Telegram messenger. The level of functional fitness of the participants was assessed using the 3-Minute Burpee Test. WHO population-specific standards were used to assess participants' body mass index (BMI).
Results and conclusions. Students (group B), who took advantage of the potential of digital communication networks (Telegram messenger) and gamification, demonstrated significantly (p<0.05) lower BMI scores and significantly (p<0.05) higher results on the 3-Minute Burpee Test. The study confirmed the significant impact of using the potential of digital technologies and gamification in the practice of organizing independent physical exercises on the indicators of BMI and functional readiness of male students.

Keywords: students, physical activity, functional readiness, gamification, 3-Minute Burpee Test, BMI.


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