Features of formation of direction finding technical techniques in sports radio direction finding
Dr. Hab. K.G. Zelensky1
Dr. Hab., Professor V.F. Kostyuchenko2
Dr. Hab., Professor G.N. Ponomarev3
PhD, Professor V.D. Zverev2
1Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Stavropol
2Lesgaft National State University of Physical Education, Sport and Health, St. Petersburg
3The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, St. Petersburg
Objective of the study was to identify the features of direction finding in sports radio direction finding and to determine the structure of training and improvement of radio direction finding techniques in motion in the shortwave range of 3.5 MHz.
Methods and structure of the study. An ascertaining pedagogical experiment, the purpose of which was to determine the most effective start of searching for a radio transmitter (RT) in the 3.5 MHz range, was carried out from 2018 to 2022 at the Children and Youth Sports School in Mikhailovsk, Stavropol Territory, and at Sports School No. 5 in the city Stavropol. A total of 50 people took part in the experiment, including 24 athletes 11-12 years old with youth categories, 16 athletes 14-15 years old with III-II categories, 10 athletes 16-22 years old (master of sports - 6 people, candidate of masters of sports - 4 people).
Results and conclusions. It has been established that at the initial preparation and training stages it is preferable to first turn on the cardioid, quickly determine the direction to the radio transmitter “to the maximum” and immediately begin moving in this direction, switching to direction finding “to the minimum”. At the stages of improving sportsmanship (ISM) and higher sportsmanship (HSM), athletes can use both options for starting direction-finding actions, both with the beginning of direction-finding “at the maximum” and “at the minimum.”
Keywords: sports radio direction finding, technical and tactical training, direction finding technology in motion, stages of the learning process.
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