Interaction of speed and strength abilities of judoists in increasing speed-strength actions


Dr. Hab., Professor G.A. Gilev¹˒²
Dr. Hab., Professor Ch.T. Ivankov¹
Postgraduate student H. Zino¹
PhD, Associate Professor M.A. Semenova²
1Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow
2Moscow Polytechnic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to improve the speed and strength qualities of a judoka based on optimizing the interaction of speed and strength manifestations when performing wrestling techniques.
Methods and structure of the study. A methodology is proposed for determining the interaction (comparing the level of equity participation) of speed and strength qualities in the implementation of speed-strength exercises.
Determination of the level of manifestation of speed and strength qualities in the performance of a wrestling technique or motor act was carried out by the ratio of the level of development of average strength in cycles of “working” movements to the maximum possible level of development of strength in a single motor act, performed in light and heavy conditions of overcoming resistance, respectively.
Results and conclusions. The expediency of determining the share of speed and power manifestations in the implementation of speed-power actions is substantiated. Taking into account this participation opens up the opportunity to optimize and individualize the training process of increasing the speed-strength training of judokas at the stage of sports improvement;
Optimization of the interactions of speed and strength manifestations in the speed-strength motor act by eliminating lagging strength or speed motor qualities leads to a significantly better result in increasing speed-strength readiness, compared with the use of exercises to develop strength abilities.

Keywords: judokas, wrestling techniques, physical qualities, training process, speed-strength readiness.


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