Motivation and goal setting of parents for the educational and training process of young swimmers engaged in general education and sports classes


Postgraduate student A.S. Ovchinnikov1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Milashechkina1
1Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, Moscow

Keywords: swimmers, swimming, parents, sports class, sports school.

Introduction. There is still a problem of working with parents in children's and youth sports. The support of a teenager's family plays a leading role in his psychoemotional stability and motivation to achieve results [1]. The organization of the training process also depends on the training conditions and the distribution of work and rest time.
The purpose of the study is to identify the main activities of parents of teenage swimmers studying in general education and sports classes.
Methodology and organization of the study. The survey was conducted in the form of a written survey, which was attended by parents of swimmers aged 12-14 years who are engaged in GBOU TSOI "Sambo-70". There are 17 parents of swimmers studying in different schools in general education classes, and 21 parents of swimmers studying in sports classes.
Research results and their discussion. According to the results of the survey, it turned out that the parents of swimmers studying in general education classes wanted to send their child to a sports school for swimming, were mainly guided by the wishes of the child, improving their health and physical condition, and the parents of swimmers studying in a sports class – with an improvement in their health, since there are an overwhelming majority of parents at the initial stage We did not see the possibility of getting athletic results in swimming classes at a sports school. At the same time, most parents, regardless of the conditions in which their children study, indicated that swimming classes at a sports school develop personal qualities – self-discipline and determination.
The goals of parents of swimmers studying in sports classes are more ambitious and specific than those of parents of swimmers studying in general education classes. Moreover, as parents see, swimmers studying in a sports class have goals related to achievements in sports. And according to the parents of swimmers studying in general education classes, their children are mainly pursued by goals that directly indicate the achievement of athletic results, even if they do not know what their child's goal is.
Conclusion. It is necessary to interview parents and children involved in sports schools, conduct motivational conversations to form a clear understanding of the joint goals of swimming classes in sports schools for both swimmers and their parents, taking into account the conditions of children's education – in a sports class or in a general education.


  1. Feodorova E. Z. Parents' attitude to sports and other spheres of life of young athletes of teenage age / E. Z. Feodorova // Applied psychology. - 2014. - No. 1. - pp. 40-45.