Methodological aspects of development of special flexibility in combat sports


PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Zainetdinov
Moscow State University of Sport and Tourism, Moscow

Keywords: athletes, martial arts, physical fitness, professional flexibility.

The purpose of the study is to consider and substantiate the methodological aspects of the development of special flexibility in martial arts.
Methodology and organization of the study. The scientific work was carried out on the basis of sports schools specializing in sports (freestyle wrestling, sambo, judo, etc.), in the period from September 2022 to March 2023. Qualified athletes (CMS) participated in the study. The main research method was a formative pedagogical experiment, which provided for the development of specialized stretching exercises aimed at increasing the indicators of special flexibility in working compositions when performing techniques and checking their effectiveness. For this purpose, two groups were formed out of 24 athletes – a control group (KG) and an experimental group (EG), each of which had 12 people. All the subjects did not have sufficient differences in terms of flexibility development before the start of the formative pedagogical experiment (P>0.05).
Research results and their discussion. The analysis of the data revealed that as a result of the application of the developed method of stretching exercises, qualified martial artists had a significant improvement in flexibility indicators assessed using a control test: forward tilt from a sitting position by 8.8±1.5 cm (R<0.05).), and in kg of this space – 1.0±0.2 cm (P>0.05).
As a result of the application of stretching exercises in the experimental group of subjects, there was a significant change in the indicators of flexibility development, assessed using a control exercise: the inclination of the trunk from a standing position (R<0.05). As a result of the application of the traditional approach to the training of martial artists in KG, despite the simplicity of the result, no such changes were observed (P>0.05). The results obtained indicate that the use of stretching exercises has a positive effect on the development of flexibility in qualified martial artists. The obtained dynamics allows us to ensure the high efficiency of the proposed methodology for development.
Conclusion. Based on the data obtained, it should be noted that the use of stretching exercises can significantly increase joint mobility, which largely determine the dynamics and amplitude of technical and tactical actions during training. Thus, the proposed technique can be used by modern specialists in training sessions with qualified martial artists.

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