Organizational and methodological features of preparing students with health disabilities for the implementation of the All-Russian physical sports complex “Ready for Labor and Defense”


PhD, Associate Professor N.A. Podberezko
Altai State University, Barnaul

Objective of the study was to identify the organizational and methodological features of preparing students with health problems to implement the “Ready for Labor and Defense” Complex.
Methods and structure of the study. Scientific work was organized for students of a special medical group and with disabilities. The testing program included the following physical exercises: lifting the body from a supine position; bending forward from a standing position on a gymnastic bench; throwing darts at a target; throwing a ball into a hoop; penalty on an empty mini-goal. For the study, only those physical exercises that were included in the GTO Complex were taken.
Results and conclusions. The results of testing the passing of two standards of the GTO Complex showed that their implementation by students with health problems is possible provided that the exercises are adapted to the corresponding types of nosologies. Preparation for passing the GTO standards can be carried out in classes in the elective discipline “Physical Culture and Sports” at the university.

Keywords: special medical group, adaptive physical culture, physical education and sports event.


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