Differentiation of the volume and direction of physical activity of urban schoolchildren based on the analysis of their level of physical fitness


A.O. Akhmedov1 ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6670-069X
A.A-K. UmarovORCID ID: 0000-0003-1832-1091
K.Sh. Dunaev1
S-M.M. Dzhulagov1
 ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1832-1091
1Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny

Objective of the study was to experimentally prove the effectiveness of the method of differentiating physical activity among students in urban schools based on an analysis of their level of physical fitness.
Methods and structure of the study. A pedagogical experiment was conducted, during which two groups of students aged 12 to 14 years (control and experimental group) were studied. The stages of the study included identifying the initial level of physical fitness, analyzing the results and comparing them with standards, developing and testing a methodology for differentiating the volume and direction of physical activity in urban schoolchildren based on an analysis of their level of physical fitness, as well as repeated testing to assess the effectiveness of the methodology.
Results and conclusions. The limited amount of physical tasks in the control group affects the level of physical fitness, classified as low and below average. Data from the experimental group, which was engaged in a program with differentiated physical activity based on an analysis of their level of physical fitness, showed a significant improvement in test results in those physical qualities, the development of which differentiation was aimed at. The results of mathematical processing of experimental data demonstrate the effectiveness of using experimental techniques to improve the process of physical education in urban schools, as well as to develop personalized programs that take into account the specifics of the urban environment and the individual characteristics of students.

Keywords: physical fitness, differentiation, schoolchildren, physical qualities, programs, physical education, physical activity.


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