Financial aspect of organizing Russian billiards tournaments


PhD, Associate Professor A.V. Titovskiy1, 2
PhD, Associate Professor Е.А. Lubyshev1
PhD L.Yu. Petrova1
M.A. Petrov1

1Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow
2Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the financial aspects of organizing Russian billiards tournaments.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis of official data on the financial and marketing activities of organizations was carried out: the Moscow Billiard Sports Union, Denis Fokin’s billiard school, the Russian Billiard Sports Federation, coach Mikhail Botnar, Billiard Club “811” and the Mamont company with the support of “His Story”.
Results and conclusions. It has been determined that a well-constructed financial model ensures the sustainable development and popularization of billiard sports. The main source of funding for tournaments is usually the prize fund, which includes money from competition participants and event sponsors. At the same time, professional billiard players can organize master classes with novice players on a commercial basis. Organizing tournaments requires raising funds for rent, advertising and issuing prize money to the winners.

Keywords: billiards, tournaments, financial component, Russian billiards, club tournaments, prize fund, championship, tournament organization.


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