Influence of biomechanical characteristics of female sprinters on the performance of load testing


PhD I.M. Mazikin1
Dr. Med., Professor M.M. Lapkin2
Dr. Med., Professor A.L. Pokhachevsky2, 3
PhD, Associate Professor M.V. Akulina2
PhD, Associate Professor V.F. Volkov3
1Moscow Center of Advanced Sport Technologies, Moscow
2I.P. Pavlov Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan
3I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to determine the influence of individual physiological and biomechanical characteristics of female sprinters on the performance of the stress test.
Methods and structure of the study. 50 female sprinters (athletics) aged 18 to 20 years old, qualifications: I sports category, candidate master of sports, took part in the testing. Conducted: bioimpedance analysis, isokinetic testing of hip flexor-extensor muscles, jump test (reactive force, height), psychophysiological tests: visual-motor reaction, reaction speed of the right and left legs; stress spiroergometry (treadmill, full gas analysis, ramp protocol). STATISTICA13.0 processing: Shapiro-Wilk distribution, Mann-Whitney differences, Spearman correlation, multivariate regression analysis.
Results and conclusions. Based on the performance of the stress test, using cluster analysis (k-means method), the subjects are divided into two relatively homogeneous clusters: the 1st (33 subjects) – “low-performing”, the second cluster (17 subjects) – “high-performing”. Leading performance factors in cluster 1: reactive strength index, maximum absolute strength, maximum quadriceps strength, visual-motor reaction; in cluster 2: indicators of explosive strength, realized in the maximum strength of the femoral biceps and jump tests. Certain combinations of psychophysiological and biomechanical parameters are likely to form high performance not only in stress tests, but also in competitive activity.

Keywords: psychophysiological characteristics, spiroergometry, isokinetic testing, bioimpedance, jump test.


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