Long-term monitoring of snatch techniques in young weightathletes


Dr. Hab., Professor A.A. Shalmanov1
A.P. Bayurin1

1The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify changes in the kinematic and dynamic characteristics of the movement of the center of mass of the barbell in the snatch during long-term testing of athletes during competitions.
Methods and structure of the study. Testing was carried out using bilateral video recording of the movement of markers attached to the ends of the barbell.
Results and conclusions. It has been shown that stabilization of motor skills occurs already at the beginning of the training stage of weightlifters’ sports training, which indicates the importance of forming the correct (rational) technique of this exercise at the beginning of many years of training for athletes. Significant changes occur with the dynamic indicators of bar movement. With the growth of sports results, strength, power and mechanical energy indicators when lifting the barbell increase. The results obtained indicate the relevance of such studies.

Keywords: criteria of rationality and effectiveness of sports equipment, biomechanics of weightlifting exercises, biomechanical control.


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