Methodological substantiation of an interdisciplinary complex for diagnosing the physical and mental development of children as a tool for identifying the risks of mastering educational programs of preschool education


PhD, Associate Professor E.I. Izotova1 ,2
PhD G. V. Molchanova1 ,2
PhD, Associate Professor T.P.Avdulova1 ,2
PhD G.R. Khuzeeva1 ,2
PhD, Associate Professor N.P. Radchikova1 ,3
1Institute of Child Development, Health and Adaptation (IRZAR)
2Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow
3Moscow State University of Psychology&Education, Moscow

The purpose of the study is to methodologically substantiate a model for identifying risks and individualizing the physical and mental development of children within the framework of the implementation of the federal educational program of preschool education.
The results and conclusions. The article provides a methodological justification for approaches to the development of diagnostic tools for determining the physical and mental health of preschool children, risks and resources in the development of the federal educational program of preschool education. Based on the principles of cultural-historical, activity-based and systemic approaches to understanding the specifics of the mental development of preschool children, the authors identify systemic qualities, the development and formation of which most determines the risks and prospects of child development in the context of mastering educational programs. The systemic characteristics of the child's psyche reflect qualitative age-related changes and set the vector of dominants of subsequent progressive development as a systemic, hierarchically organized process.

Keywords: physical and mental health, mental development of preschool children, systemic qualities, complex diagnostics of development, tools for identifying risks of mastering educational programs of preschool education.


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