Methodological aspects of the training process of highly qualified Сhinese football players


Postgraduate student Lin Yaqi
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to consider the main methodological aspects of increasing motor activity and improving technical and tactical actions among highly qualified Chinese female football players.
Methods and structure of the study. A sociological survey, as the main research method, was carried out using a questionnaire, which was attended by 56 highly qualified football players participating in the games of the Chinese Women's Super League, as well as 20 coaches of the highest category with access (license) to professional activities issued by the Chinese Football Association.
Results and conclusions. The training of highly qualified female football players in China is based on the content of the modern game, which involves performing a large volume of motor actions. Pedagogical observations of competitive activity show that by the end of the game, female football players have a decrease in motor activity indicators and the effectiveness of technical and tactical actions. Such patterns require the search for effective methodological approaches that ensure increased motor activity and improvement of technical and tactical actions among highly qualified female football players in China.

Keywords: football, highly qualified players, training and competitive activities, physical activity, technical and tactical actions.


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