Influence of personnel management on the development of the mixed martial arts industry
K.A. Gadzhiev1
Associate Professor V.A. Gorelikov2
1The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Moscow
2Moscow University for Industriy and Finance "Synergy", Moscow
Objective of the study was to identify the conditions for the development of the mixed martial arts industry through effective work with personnel, identifying opportunities for their creation and implementation on the Russian market.
Methods and structure of the study. The potential of the Russian mixed martial arts industry is determined largely by the capabilities and competencies of key specialists who work in MMA.
The period for conducting research on the development and work of personnel in the mixed martial arts industry was chosen from 2018 to 2022. Research methods: analysis of literary sources and regulatory documents, content analysis of specialized Internet resources and conversations with experts in the mixed martial arts industry.
Results and conclusions. The main objects of the Russian mixed martial arts industry are highlighted - promotions, fighters, sporting events and clubs, as well as specialists who work on the development of MMA. One of the main conditions for the development of the mixed martial arts industry is the selection, preparation and creation of opportunities for the implementation of effective work for specialists - promoters, fighters, coaches and managers. For the Russian mixed martial arts market, these areas are key and should become a promising growth area in the future.
Keywords: mixed martial arts industry, martial arts promotion, MMA, manager, coach, fighter.
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