Changes in indicators of physical performance of students of an agricultural university with various physical activities


PhD, Associate Professor O.N. Nikiforova1
PhD, Associate Professor E.V. Markin1
I.G. Fedorov1
Associate Professor S.Yu. Nikitchenko1
1Russian Timiryazev State Agrarian University, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify the characteristics of the dynamics of physical performance of students at an agricultural university, depending on the nature of physical activity at different stages of study at the university.
Methods and structure of the study. Dynamic analysis was carried out in two stages: in the 1st-2nd and 4th years. A total of 140 young men studying in the 1st, 2nd and 4th years took part in the study. The study of physical performance among students of an agricultural university was carried out using the functional test PWC170 and indirect maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) during the first and second years in groups of different specializations in the sport, as well as among 4th year students involved and not involved in sports.
Results and conclusions. Physical performance according to the PWC170 test after two year classes increased by 10.9% among all students involved in sports, although the dynamics of changes were greater in the group of polyathletes and track and field athletes in the 1st year (9.6%), and in the 2nd year in the boxing group (14.7%).
The results of the identified dynamics of physical performance made it possible to establish that the physical culture and sports program should be built on increasing the volume and intensity of training with the widespread use of cyclic exercises that develop endurance.

Keywords: students, physical performance, functional test PWC170, MOC, physical education and sports, sports specialization groups, intensification of training, endurance.


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