Study of the effectiveness of the Wushu gymnastics method on motor activity and physical fitness of preschool children aged 5-7 years in a preschool educational institution


A.I. Kavokin1
PhD, Associate Professor N.G. Mikhailov1
PhD, Associate Professor E.A. Lubyshev1
M.P. Kashkova2
1Moscow City University, Institute of Natural Sciences and Sports Technologies, Moscow
2State University of Land Use Planning, Moscow

Objective of the study was to substantiate the method of individualizing the volume of motor activity for preschool children aged 5-7 years using wushu gymnastics.
Methods and structure of the study. A pedagogical experiment was conducted with the participation of 192 children attending preschool department No. 3 of the State Budgetary Educational Institution School 2044. The method of individualizing the volume of physical activity in preschool children is based on the use of non-traditional means of physical education, wushu gymnastics and wave gymnastics.
Results and conclusions. The use of a technique for individualizing the volume of physical activity in preschool children made it possible to significantly increase the volume of physical activity in children of the middle, senior and preparatory groups of the EG compared with their peers from the CG (p<0.05), the differences were significant for both girls and boys (p<0.05).

Keywords: methodology, wushu gymnastics, motor activity, preschoolers, physical fitness.


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