Opportunities for involving the working population in physical culture and sports in conditions of walking distance from the place of work


PhD E.M. Bronnikova1, 2
PhD O.S. Kulyamina1
PhD E.V. Povorina1
Dr. Sc.Econ., Associate Professor M.V. Vinogradova3
1Russian State Social University, Moscow
2Russian Research Institute of Economics, Politics and Law in Science and Technology, Moscow
3Russian State University of Tourism and Service, Pushkinsky urban district, Cherkizovo, Moscow region

Objective of the study was to identify differences in the level of involvement in physical education and sports depending on the opportunity to exercise within walking distance from the place of work.
Methods and structure of the study. 7,922 people of working age from 18 to 75 years old from 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation were surveyed, and those working and engaged in work were identified.
Results and conclusions. The economically active population of working age spends the vast majority of time at work, and therefore it is necessary to create conditions for exercise and involve people in sports and physical education at the place of work. Based on the data obtained, it can be stated at a statistically significant level that the opportunity to exercise at the place of work has a positive effect on the frequency and duration of physical education classes. Taking into account the analysis of scientific research in the field of physical culture and sports at the place of work, measures were proposed to attract employees to physical activity.

Keywords: physical culture, sports, physical culture at the place of work, sports.


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