Physical possibilities of youth students who started regular classes in the volleyball section


N.N. Voronova1
Dr. Hab, Professor V.Yu. Karpov2
PhD, Associate Professor K.A. Astafiev3
E.Sh. Petina4
1I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow
2Russian State Social University, Moscow
3Voronezh Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, Voronezh
4Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan

Objective of the study was to trace the consequences of regular volleyball training in relation to the physical capabilities of the youthful organism.
Methods and structure of the study. In the work, 26 students of Russian universities of youthful age were examined, divided into two comparable groups. The physically active group (12 persons), in addition to physical education classes at the university, began attending the volleyball section twice a week. The physically inactive control group (14 individuals) avoided physical activity in their lives whenever possible. All patients initially and after 3 months of observation underwent standard functional tests. Digital results were processed using correlation analysis and Student's t-test(t).
Results and conclusions. Volleyball training twice a week leads to an increase in the level of general physical fitness in adolescence. This result was manifested by an increase in their strength capabilities, an increase in endurance, an increase in the accuracy of movements performed and an improvement in coordination.

Keywords: sports training, boys, volleyball, physical fitness, students.


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