The structure and content of the training program for specialists in the field of physical culture and sports in universities of the People's Republic of China


Postgraduate student Guo Erni1, 2
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor L.G. Ryzhkova2
Postgraduate student Zhai Xingchen1
Dr. Hab., Professor Zhao Zijian1
1Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, China
2The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK», Moscow

Objective of the study was to analyze the structure and content of the training program for specialists in the field of physical culture and sports in universities in China.
Methods and structure of the study. The training program for specialists in the field of physical education and sports in universities of the People's Republic of China was subjected to theoretical analysis to identify the features of its structure and content.
Results and conclusions. In China, the sports specialist training program, developed on the basis of the Notice of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, is designed for 4 years of study, when students master general education and professional disciplines for 3 years, and in the 4th year they undergo internships and practice in production conditions, and also conduct scientific research for preparation and defense of the diploma project.
Analyzing the features of the Bachelor's training program in the field of physical education and sports in national higher educational institutions of the People's Republic of China, it should be emphasized that its structure and content are aimed at training specialists in comprehensive physical education of the country's population who will be able to carry out physical education, teaching, training and competitive activities in sports and general educational institutions, as well as engage in scientific research in the field of physical education and sports, sports management and social and sports activities.

Keywords: training program, specialist training, physical culture and sports, sports preparedness.


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