Opportunities and barriers to involving persons with health limitations and disabilities in physical education and sports


Dr. Sc.Soc., Professor V.N. Minina1
Dr. Sc.Econ. S.A. Ivanov1
M.V. Panevina2

1Institute of Applied Political Research, National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, Moscow
2Resource Center for Field Research and Survey Technologies of the National Research University “Higher School of Economics”, St. Petersburg

Purpose of the study was to analyze the factors that promote and hinder the involvement of people with health restrictions and disabilities in systematic physical activity and sport.
Methodology and organisation of the research. An all-Russian sample survey of the population with health restrictions, aged 18 to 80 years and older conducted (604 respondents with health restrictions, including disability, of whom 22.2% had a first disability group, 31.5% had a second disability group, and 38.2% had a third disability group; 8.1 % of respondents have health restrictions but not disability; survey of coaches and instructors working in adaptive sport: sport of the deaf, sport of the blind, PODA sport, LIN sport (323 experts, among whom 67.8% have more than 5 years of work experience in adaptive sport). The Internet survey conducted on specially designed questionnaires. More than half (58.2%) of the surveyed trainers and instructors work with both adults and children. Categories of disabled people with whom coaches and instructors work include people with the following types of nosology: musculoskeletal disorders (65.3%), hearing impairment (41.8%), visual disability (25.7%), and mental disabilities (35.6%).
Results and conclusions. We found that a significant number of people with disabilities are aware of the importance of physical activity for maintaining and strengthening health, for improving psychological well-being and for successful socialization, and they are actively engaged in physical activity and sport. In addition, we identified three groups of barriers to the involvement of this category of population in physical activity and sport: individual barriers; barriers related to the accessibility of physical activity and sport infrastructure; and barriers related to dissatisfaction with the existing conditions for physical activity.

Key words: persons with health restrictions and disabilities, physical activity, sport, activity, opportunities, barriers.


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