Modern health-saving technologies in higher education in applied physical education classes


Dr. Biol., Professor I.P. Zaitseva1
PhD, Associate Professor O.N. Zaitsev2
1P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University, Yaroslavl
2Yaroslavl State Technical University, Yaroslavl

Objective of the study was to identify modern health-saving technologies used in applied physical education classes at a university.
Methods and structure of the study. An analysis was carried out of works devoted to the problem of the targeted use of physical culture, sports and tourism in preserving and promoting health, psychophysical preparation for future professional activities, as well as work programs and methodological materials on organizing and conducting classes in applied physical culture at P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University and Yaroslavl State Technical University.
Results and conclusions. The analysis of scientific and methodological material on the problem under consideration allowed us to identify a number of health-saving pedagogical technologies, the implementation of which allows us to change the attitude of students to physical activity: observing the rules of personal hygiene; reasonable alternation of work and rest; optimal physical activity; balanced diet; overcoming bad habits; hardening.
The authors conclude that there is a need to include game and competitive methods, non-traditional types of physical culture in physical education classes in higher educational institutions, take into account the individual capabilities and preferences of students in choosing the type of physical education activity, which will allow each student to realize in the process of physical activity own needs for movement.

Keywords: students, physical culture and sports, interest, health-saving technologies.


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