Assessment of the level of aerobic performance of women 45-60 years old


Dr. Hab., Professor F.R. Zotova1
Dr. Hab., Professor F.A. Mavliev1
E.S. Ivanova1
D.I. Goncharenko1

1Volga Region State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism, Kazan

Keywords: women, mature age, working capacity, testing.

Introduction. With age, interest in physical activity decreases, especially among the female audience. Most women underestimate the potential of physical activity in ensuring work longevity, they lack a positive attitude to participate in physical activity programs [1]. Chronic lack of movement, in turn, becomes one of the factors of professional burnout of employees, a decrease in their physical and mental health [2], and the work activity itself, if it is associated with sedentary work, does not contribute in any way to improving physical performance, as evidenced by a study that showed that the intensity of professional activity does not correlate with the maximum oxygen consumption is an indicator reflecting the functional level of not only the oxygen transport system, but also the body as a whole.
The purpose of the study is to assess the level of aerobic performance of women 45-60 years old, representing professions such as "man-sign system".
Methodology and organization of the study. 40 women of the second mature age (45-60 years) were examined using an ergometric testing system, which includes an electric bicycle ergometer and a Metalyzer 3b cardiorespiratory tester. The subjects performed physical activity starting from 60 watts, increasing it by 15 watts/min until they reported that it was impossible to continue. The duration of the load was determined by the capabilities of the subjects and ended after their statement about the inability to perform the load. Due to the age of the subjects, the limit values of oxygen consumption were considered not as an indicator of maximum consumption, which requires reaching a "plateau" in oxygen consumption, but as an indicator of peak oxygen consumption (PPK, l/min, ml/min/kg). In addition, heart rate indicators (HR, beats/min) and a subjective assessment of the perceived load – the Borg scale, in its modified version with scores from 1 to 10 points, were evaluated.
The results of the study and their discussion. The average values of peak oxygen consumption obtained during the study were low – 21.7±2.5 ml/min/kg, which is a low indicator and is consistent with the data of other researchers who showed that office employees who do not engage in physical activity on top of their daily home and work activities had lower oxygen consumption at the peak 30 ml/min/kg. At the same time, the maximum values obtained during our study reached 42.4 ml/min/kg. This is due to the fact that among the students there were employees who maintain an active lifestyle.
The maximum values of heart contractions obtained at the time of achieving the ACC were low and reached an average of 102 beats/min, indicating that aerobic muscle performance is the limiting link. At the same time, the subjective perception of the load was low and was estimated on average as 4.85 ± 0.5 (the assessment is "quite difficult").
Conclusions. Aerobic performance in women of the second mature age is at a low level, which is determined, apparently, by the low aerobic capabilities of the muscles.


  1. Zotova F.R. The potential of physical activity in ensuring the working longevity of women 45-60 years old / F.R. Zotova, F.A. Mavliev, E.S. Ivanova, D.I. Goncharenko. R.S. Khrushchev // Science and sport: modern trends. – 2023. – Vol. 11. – No. 3 – pp. 135-143.
  2. Montacarn S., Nuttika N. Levels of physical activity and prevalence of lower back pain among call center operators in Thailand // Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2016. Vol. 20. No. 3. p. 125.