Pedagogical potential of high achievement sports in forming civic activity of students


Dr. Hab., Professor N.V. Gorbunova
V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol

Keywords: civic activity, student youth, sports of higher achievements, pedagogical potential.

Introduction. In the conditions of modern society, the problem of civil and patriotic education of student youth becomes particularly relevant, since modern society needs young, active, highly professional citizens with an active civic position. The sport of higher achievements is aimed at the formation of civic activity of student youth [1, p. 112].
The purpose of the study is to identify the pedagogical potential of the sport of higher achievements in the formation of the civic position of students of higher educational institutions.
Methodology and organization of the study. The experiment involved 16 students of the Crimean Federal University, who represented team and individual sports (hockey, football, volleyball, sambo). Diagnostic tools at the ascertaining and control stages included the test "Self-assessment of the level of claims according to the Schwarzlander method, the Rokich test "Value orientations", a test for strong-willed personality qualities, a test for Eysenck's temperament.
In the course of the study, the levels of formation of motivational, emotional-volitional and behavioral components of civic activity were revealed. The indicators were interest in the sport, the level of claims, value orientations, strong-willed personality qualities, temperament, ability to organize and conduct mass sports events, participation in volunteer activities, in city and republican sports competitions [2, p. 78].
The results of the study and their discussion. The pedagogical potential of the sport of the highest achievements lies in the formation of a sports team, leadership qualities, the ability to take responsibility at critical moments, "take on the game". The civic activity of students – professional athletes – was manifested in performances at sports competitions and achieving high results, defending the honor of their country, raising the prestige and image of the country. The results of the study allowed us to conclude that students had formed such personal qualities as patriotism, pride in their country, love of their country, love of sports, civic engagement.
Conclusions. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the sport of higher achievements activates the manifestation of the civic position of student youth, which is expressed during participation in sports competitions of various levels, organization of mass sports events and participation in them, volunteer activities to attract people with disabilities to sports.


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