Interdependence of movement plasticity and wave dance technique in rhythmic gymnastics


Graduate Student Peng Cong
The Russian University of Sport «GTSOLIFK»

Keywords: waves, strokes, plasticity, rhythmic gymnastics, training stage, choreography.

Introduction. One of the significant means of achieving high appreciation for expressiveness in rhythmic gymnastics is the plasticity of movements, which is impossible to master without mastering the wave technique of dance, which is based on waves with hands, arms, trunk, integral waves, swings, spiral movements in various planes [1, 2].
The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between the wave technique of dance and the plasticity of movement in gymnasts of the People's Republic of China aged 10-11 years.
Methodology and organization of the study. The pedagogical experiment was conducted at the Shenyang Sports School. The main content of the experiment (lasting 6 months) was the preparatory and basic movements of the wave dance technique in unity with objects (for example, a ball and a ribbon), which were combined into separate blocks:
– 1st stage ‑ fine motor skills for brushes + balancing the ball; spirals and snakes with a ribbon; wrapping a stick with a ribbon, in pairs of small transfers;
– 2nd stage – jazz dance isolation technique + rolling the ball on the hands and back, chops; snakes and spirals with tape;
– 3rd stage – various types of waves with hands + swings, spirals and snakes with a ribbon rolling the ball;
– 4th stage – waves with the trunk in various planes + ball rolls, throws and catching; spirals, snakes, tape transfers and throws, tape transfers from hand to hand, etc.;
– 5th stage – integral waves in a standing position + ball and tape throws, snakes, etc.;
– 6th stage – wave movements in the parterre position (lying, sitting) + spirals and snakes with a ribbon; ball rolls, throws and catching with various parts of the body;
– 7th stage – combined wave movements with various objects;
– Stage 8 ‑ acrobatic elements combined with wave movements.
The results of the study and their discussion. The analysis of literary sources, pedagogical observations made it possible to develop a classification of waves and waves, which made it possible to detail the system of the training block given above.
Conclusion. The inclusion of wave dance techniques in the process of choreographic training of gymnasts at the training stage will increase the plasticity of movements, which, ultimately, will affect the achievement of athletic results. The developed author's methodology can be recommended for implementation in practice of work with children of 10-11 years of age in specialized sports sections in rhythmic gymnastics.


  1. Borisova V.V. Movements of free plasticity: waves and waves in the school section of choreography / V.V. Borisova, O.P. Panfilov // Physical culture at school. - 2015. – No. 4. – pp. 17-22.
  2. Stodell E. Doris Humphrey and her dance technique / E. Doris Stodell Verlag Dieter Fricke GmbH. 1986. 383 p.