Structure and algorithm for differentiated diagnostics and assessment of special physical and functional readiness of swimmers


Dr. Biol., Professor I.N. Solopov1, 4
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor T.G. Fomichenko1
Honored Coach of USSR and Russian Federation V.B. Avdienko1, 3
Dr. Hab., Associate Professor I.V. Bgantseva1, 2
1Federal Science Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow
2Volgograd State Physical Education Academy, Volgograd
3Russian Swimming Federation, Moscow
4Fеdеrаl Trаining Sроrts Center of the Representative Teams of Russia, Moscow

Objective of the study was to develop the structure of the methodology and an algorithm for differentiated control of the special physical and functional readiness of swimmers, depending on their individual typological characteristics at different stages of sports training.
Results and discussion. The structure and general algorithm for diagnosing and assessing the special (physical and functional) readiness of swimmers is considered. Athletes' readiness is monitored sequentially and includes four stages: diagnostic (testing) stage; stage of processing, analysis and evaluation of diagnostic results; visualization stage; stage of collecting and archiving results. The stage of processing, analysis and evaluation of diagnostic results is carried out differentially in accordance with different gender, level of sports qualifications (performance), method of swimming, distance specialization and the role of different functional properties in ensuring special physical performance at the stages of long-term training. The trajectory of differentiated and integrative assessment of the results of diagnosing the readiness of swimmers provides for normalization (bringing to a single scale) the numerical values of test results and their assessment on a differentiated scale. At the same time, for an integrative assessment of preparedness, the evaluation scores of the results of all tests are averaged, and to clarify the structure and manifestation of the weak and strong aspects of preparedness, each of the observed indicators is visualized. Presentation (visualization) of assessments of two types (integrative and differentiated) is carried out both in the form of a graphic image and in digital terms. The ability to rank test results for specific groups of athletes is provided. The possibility of comparing the test results of a particular swimmer in the dynamics of successive observations is provided. The results obtained are archived on the server.

Keywords: swimmers, special physical preparedness, functional readiness, differentiated assessment, control.


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