Determining optimal exercises for training the knee flexor muscles


Dr. Biol. A.V. Voronov1
A.A. Voronova1

Dr. Hab., Professor P.V. Kvashuk1, 2
Postgraduate student N.N. Sokolov1
1Federal Science Center of Physical Culture and Sport (VNIIFK), Moscow
2Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture, Moscow

Objective of the study was to identify optimal exercises for training the knee flexor muscles of football players.
Methods and structure of the study. One football player of FC "Lokomotiv" Academy (age – 16 years, weight – 62 kg, body length – 165 cm). The effectiveness of the use of jumping exercises, a load-block simulator and the exercise "Nordic slopes" for strength training BFCL was compared. The electrical activity of the muscles was recorded using the “SportLab” software and hardware complex.
Research results and conclusions. It was found that if in the inferior mode the power of external forces reaches or exceeds the level of the force-velocity relationship of the fibers m. biceps femoris caput longus, then biomechanical conditions for injury arise. It has also been shown that the maximum amplitude of the sgEMG exercise “Nordic tilts” does not exceed 500 μV with an average amplitude of 260 μV. In terms of power load, assessed by the amplitude of the sgEMG, the exercise is almost two times less effective than bending the legs at the knee joint on a weight block machine with a weight in the range of 70-80% of the weight.

Keywords: football, electromyography, shoulder strength, strength, mathematical modeling, speed, knee joint, strength training, injury prevention, m. biceps femoris caput brevis, m. biceps femoris caput longus, hamstring.


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