Psychological support of optimum climate and atmosphere in women's highly qualified football teams


E.R. Tatarchuk
Russian Football Union, Moscow

Keywords: football, national team, psychological support, formal and informal relationships, climate and atmosphere.

The purpose of the study is to identify formal and informal relationships in the process of forming an optimal climate and atmosphere among the football players of the Russian national team and to determine the main directions for psychological support of athletes.
Methodology and organization of the study. The study was conducted on the basis of the women's youth national football team of Russia (U-19) in the period from January to July 2023. To study the psychological climate and atmosphere in the team , the method of F. was used . Fidler, adapted by Yu.A. Khanin [2]. The methodology studies two levels of relationships in a team. The first level is formal relations, formed on the basis of success–failure of technical and tactical actions of players dictated by the rules of the game, the logic of tactical constructions. The second level is informal relationships, purely personal relationships based on feelings of sympathy, antipathy, indifference, ambivalence [1, 3].
The results of the study and their discussion. The analysis of the "group profile" shows that the average values for the parameters contained in the methodology are in the zone of favorable assessments of the atmosphere in the team as a whole. At the same time, the values fluctuate slightly in individual parameters (+/- 1 point). This indicates the presence of positive both formal and informal personal relationships.
The highest indicators for the parameters "consent" and "cooperation" indicate that the team players highly appreciate the need for collective efforts, even if objectively the team does not always achieve a win. Quantitative indicators according to this method are in the range from 10 to 80 points. In our case, the average value for the group of 31 points means an assessment of the psychological atmosphere in the team as favorable, which indicates a certain level of their psychological preparedness, but it should be noted that informal relationships between athletes are rated higher.
Conclusion. Thus, maintaining an optimal psychological climate and atmosphere in the team is achieved through the application of specific areas of activity: setting a common, but personally significant goal for everyone; forming or actualizing the motives of team success; developing and improving the strong-willed, intellectual, emotional qualities of the personality of football players; organizing informal communication and general leisure; creating team traditions and their active maintenance.


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